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Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI School Improvement KICK OFF © American Student Achievement Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI School Improvement KICK OFF © American Student Achievement Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI School Improvement KICK OFF © American Student Achievement Institute

2 Our goal is to... To raise student achievement and close achievement gaps © American Student Achievement Institute

3 Why ? 1.Core convictions “All kids deserve...” 2.Global economics 3.State and federal mandates © American Student Achievement Institute

4 How ? Vision-to-Action School Improvement Process © American Student Achievement Institute

5 InSAI © American Student Achievement Institute

6 Attica Jr-Sr High School, Attica, Indiana (discussing local core convictions) Between Sessions FULL FACULTY © American Student Achievement Institute

7 Between Sessions COMMUNITY COUNCIL LaVille Elementary School, Lakeville, Indiana (discussing strategy plans) © American Student Achievement Institute

8 Between Sessions STUDENT BODY Attica Jr-Sr High School, Attica, Indiana Prompt: What do all students deserve in order to be effective learners? © American Student Achievement Institute

9 InSAI © American Student Achievement Institute

10 Task Coordinators Full Faculty Point Person Community Council Point Person Student Body Point Person Strategy Chairs Point Person Achievement Data Point Person Force Field Data Point Person Strategy Chairs © American Student Achievement Institute

11 InSAI © American Student Achievement Institute

12 Vision-to-Action School Improvement Process Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION © American Student Achievement Institute 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data

13 Next School Year – Implement Plans Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION © American Student Achievement Institute 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data

14 Review & Revise – First Semester Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION © American Student Achievement Institute 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data

15 Review & Revise – Second Semester Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION © American Student Achievement Institute 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data

16 Review & Revise - Every 3 Years Steering Team / Community Council / Full Faculty / Student Body 6 Strategy Selection 7 Strategy Plan Implementation Professional Development Anti-Resistance Evaluation 8 ACTION © American Student Achievement Institute 5 Areas of Concern ExpectationsCurriculumInstruction AssessmentExtra HelpGuidance Environment 3 Current Data 4 Data Targets 1 VISION 2 Vision Data

17 InSAI © American Student Achievement Institute

18 Our Current School Improvement Plan © American Student Achievement Institute Writers Full faculty Student body Community representatives (parents, business, etc.) Vision to Action - Process Questions What dreams do we have for our students & school? What achievement goals do we want our students to reach by the end of next school year? What is likely to get in the way of our students reaching those goals? What strategies will we put in place to address those barriers to learning?

19 Vision Statement HIGHLIGHTS Convictions Adults Students Data 1Xxxxx 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 © American Student Achievement Institute

20 Review & Revise Achievement Data Targets Student Group BENCHMARKPreviousNew Target for This Year Omit Continue Revise Xxxxx © American Student Achievement Institute

21 Areas of Concern CONCERN 1Xxxxx 2 3 4 5 6 © American Student Achievement Institute

22 Strategy Title: Xxxx Strategy Chair: Xxxx © American Student Achievement Institute Target Group Benchmark Strategy Data BaselineTargetDate Xxxx XX XXX Xxxx XX XXX

23 InSAI © American Student Achievement Institute

24 Tasks This Year STEERING TEAM Revise School Improvement Plan © American Student Achievement Institute

25 Tasks This Year STRATEGY CHAIRS 1.Implement Current Strategies 2.Write Strategy Plans for next year. © American Student Achievement Institute

26 Timeline MONTHSTEP SepKick Off OctVision NovData Targets DecAreas of Concern Jan Feb Mar Strategy Development Research and selection Title and description Implementation Plan Apr May © American Student Achievement Institute

27 STRATEGY TASK FORCE MEETINGS © American Student Achievement Institute

28 Indiana Student Achievement Institute InSAI School Improvement KICK OFF © American Student Achievement Institute

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