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TM Research & Development CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Project Title: Project Code: Project Manager : Technical Leader: Project Custodian:

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Presentation on theme: "TM Research & Development CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Project Title: Project Code: Project Manager : Technical Leader: Project Custodian:"— Presentation transcript:

1 TM Research & Development CONFIDENTIAL PROJECT CHANGE REQUEST Project Title: Project Code: Project Manager : Technical Leader: Project Custodian:

2 TM Research & Development 1 Introduction To seek recommendation/approval from PMC/PSC on project change request for ….. (please state the purpose for this change request)

3 TM Research & Development 2 Summary of the change request (CR) Approved Duration:Proposed New Duration: Approved Budget:Proposed New Budget: Approved Objectives:Proposed New Objectives : Approved Deliverables:Proposed New Deliverables : List out the originally approved vs. the proposed changes

4 TM Research & Development PlannedActualVariance Physical Progress Financial Progress (actual expenditure) Overall summary of project progress Project Progress Update Give the overview on the current stage/ activities of the project, the physical progress % and also the financial progress ( PSR slide can be used, but limit to only 1 to 2 slides) 3

5 TM Research & Development Justification for change in project schedule Please state your justification here: List out the schedule impact analysis For changes in schedule only, Pls delete if not applicable 4

6 TM Research & Development Please insert original g/chart & proposed g/chart Justification for change in project schedule (2) For changes in schedule only, Pls delete if not applicable 5

7 TM Research & Development Justification for change in project budget State your justification here: - Changes in budget due to : - additional manpower required for the project, - additional tool required, - due to increase in duration thus need to cover the additional manpower cost and SFOR cost For changes in project budget only, Pls delete if not applicable 6

8 TM Research & Development 7 Detail breakdown (Original Vs Revised) ApprovedProposed revision Manpower Equipment & Tools Material Incidental Total Budget Total Value (+15% management fee) For changes in project budget only, Pls delete if not applicable

9 TM Research & Development Justification for change in project objective State your reason and justification here For changes in project objective only, Pls delete if not applicable 8

10 TM Research & Development Recommendation: The PMC/ PSC is recommended to approve…. 9  Project xxx….  …with new project value of RM xxx….  …..with new completion date of xxxxx etc…..

11 TM Research & Development THANK YOU 10

12 TM Research & Development Appendix 11

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