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U2C1A4 RS Water, Sound, and Earthquake Waves. pitch.

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Presentation on theme: "U2C1A4 RS Water, Sound, and Earthquake Waves. pitch."— Presentation transcript:

1 U2C1A4 RS Water, Sound, and Earthquake Waves

2 pitch

3 Force and characteristics of tsunami waves

4 Water Waves The type of water waves we are studying in Activity 4 are caused by a disturbance (earthquake or ice falling in water, or a pebble in a pond for a small wave)The type of water waves we are studying in Activity 4 are caused by a disturbance (earthquake or ice falling in water, or a pebble in a pond for a small wave) Normal waves are caused by the tides (gravitational pull of the moon) and wind.Normal waves are caused by the tides (gravitational pull of the moon) and wind.

5 wave interference

6 light waves

7 U2C1A4 We Think

8 U2C1A4 Explore Your Ideas Part A: Explore Water Waves



11 the cork will move up and down as the wave passes by YES! energy is being transferred from the finger to the water to the cork fingerwater cork

12 Page 127

13 1 Hz 2 Hz 3 Hz 4 Hz

14 B b/c it is the second longest wavelength D b/c it is the shortest wavelength


16 Part B: Explore Sound Waves Read p. 129 and Step 1


18 Tuning Fork video

19 tuning fork video

20 150 Hz 300 Hz 600 Hz 150 Hz

21 The 150 Hz sound has the lowest frequency and the longest wavelength. The 600 Hz sound has the highest frequency and the shortest wavelength.  Wavelength  Frequency/  Pitch,  Wavelength

22 Buzzer video

23 bell jar video

24 When the air is removed from the jar, there is no sound heard from the buzzer. This is because there is no medium for the compression wave to travel in. Mechanical waves require a medium to travel in!

25 Part C: Explore Earthquake Waves Read pp 130-131, t tt then complete Make Sense of Your Ideas questions

26 U2C1A4 Make Sense of Your Ideas

27 Question 1

28  Frequency,  Wavelength

29  Frequency,  Wavelength

30 Question 2

31  Frequency,  Pitch

32  Frequency,  Pitch

33 Question 3


35 Question 4


37  Amplitude,  Energy  Amplitude,  Level on Richter Scale

38 U2C1A4 Consensus Ideas

39 Our Consensus Ideas

40 Water, sound and earthquake waves are mechanical waves. They must push or pull on a medium to travel.  Frequency,  Wavelength  Frequency,  Pitch  Amplitude,  Energy  Frequency,  Energy

41 MythBusters Sound Energy

42 myth busters

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