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1 Mark Branom @markbranom

2  With Social Media, the potential for people to interconnect and collaborate has never been greater.  With Social Media, you can easily:  know more about each other,  stay in touch,  find potential job opportunities,  and more!

3 

4  Use Social Media as the hook/tool to get people interested in your organization.  To get people to click on the web site to find out more.  To inform world at-large about ▪ upcoming events ▪ staff profiles ▪ other information you wish to disseminate

5  The old communication model is outdated:  producing paper newsletters  writing letter campaigns (both paper and email)  using phone call trees  even static web sites are outdated!  Those methods were a one-way communication stream – the organization sent out the information.  Today, people expect to be able to respond immediately to communiqués from organizations, and expect that communication to be an interactive, push-pull collaboration.

6  Produce compelling content.  Be sure to allocate the resources needed to produce your content. Make the upkeep and posting of information a dedicated part of one or more of your staff’s job.  DO continue to use your old marketing tools (static web sites, email distribution lists, newsletters, etc.). Most online visitors expect these old-school communication tools to be the repository of the information they seek.  Honor the Terms of Service (TOS) of the platform (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) you are using. Be sure to read (and understand) the rules before posting content.  Don’t post messages that are fraudulent, harassing, obscene, threatening, or post other messages that are a violation of applicable law.

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