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Appsec, ritalin, and failing fast ken johnson. introductions ken johnson ginger ninja also known hangs out on github, a lot.

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Presentation on theme: "Appsec, ritalin, and failing fast ken johnson. introductions ken johnson ginger ninja also known hangs out on github, a lot."— Presentation transcript:

1 appsec, ritalin, and failing fast ken johnson

2 introductions ken johnson ginger ninja also known as @cktricky hangs out on github, a lot

3 overview what this talk is about story survival guide a work in progress

4 Live in more than 647 markets around the world More than 60 million members worldwide, 25 countries on 6 continents 63 million vouchers sold to date Diverse offerings include daily deals, escapes, families, adventures, instant, gourmet Over 4,900 employees worldwide Updated January 23, 2012


6 week 1 – org chart

7 weeks 2, 3 - scope

8 week 4 – contact list, IR

9 week 5 - environment

10 week 6 – dev tools

11 week 7 – access

12 week 8 – time for QA

13 week 9, 10 – build it

14 week 11-14 – metrics & baselines

15 weeks 15,16 – data classification

16 week 18-20 – threat model

17 week 20 – training

18 hiring

19 who to hire

20 communication

21 21 Not. Role. Models. Sees something cool outside Training for a “floor- staring” Competition?

22 tools


24 friendly advice

25 Do NOT call someone’s baby ugly

26 Have a SOLUTION …don’t just say no

27 compliance is tangible

28 fail fast

29 Failed tests are better than none at all Realize a failed test quickly Don’t push it to the brink know when to quit, don’t be afraid

30 incidents



33 Define what constitutes “AppSec”

34 wishlist


36 Questions?

37 Thank you, Stay Hungry!

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