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Assessment What is it? Collection of relevant information for the purpose of making reliable curricular decisions and discriminations among students (Gallahue,

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment What is it? Collection of relevant information for the purpose of making reliable curricular decisions and discriminations among students (Gallahue,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment What is it? Collection of relevant information for the purpose of making reliable curricular decisions and discriminations among students (Gallahue, 1993)

2 Definition # 2 “ Assessment is an important aspect of any sound physical education program because it helps teachers measure students’ current levels of ability, students’ progress, and their own teaching effectiveness.” (Gallahue & Cleland-Donnelly, 2003, p.282)

3 Why assess motor skills ?

4 What variables do you assess? Determined by your goals and objectives, which relate to your topic of instruction

5 Instrument Selection Review what’s available Which instrument meets your needs? Is it Valid? Reliable? Objective?

6 Test Feasibility Amount of time it takes to administer? Do you have the expertise? Supplies? Equipment? Can you interpret the results?

7 Preparing Students (not “teaching to the test”) Testing Environment

8 Instructor Knowledge Do you have what you need to give this test? Can you follow test protocol? Score sheets? Have you piloted the test?

9 Interpreting Results How well did the students do? “Measures of Central Tendency”

10 Class testing: skills testing, cognitive testing, physical fitness testing Common for general physical education teachers Individual student testing: Uncommon for general physical education teachers UNLESS –the GPE is responsible for adapted physical education placement decisions in their school

11 Types of Instruments Norm Referenced: Quantitative Easy to administer Comparisons

12 Types of Instruments Criterion Referenced Qualitative Process versus product Comparison against a level of “mastery.”

13 The Test of Gross Motor Development - 2 Dale A. Ulrich, Ph.D. University of Michigan

14 TGMD-2 (Ulrich, 2000) Purpose Description 2 subtests 12 gross motor skills Children 3- 10 years

15 Uses of the TGMD-2 ID of children Program planning Assess individual St. progress Evaluate the PE program Research

16 Criteria for Evaluation What do you notice about the equipment requirements? What skills/knowledge base does the teacher need to have in order to execute this test?

17 Test Administration & Scoring Examiner Competency Time Requirements General Guidelines Standardized Procedures –AKA ?

18 Standard scoring criteria Two trials scored Focus on observation of criteria “1” = performed correctly “0” = does not perform

19 Test scores & interpretations Raw scores – 48 possible points for each subtest Percentile rank Subtest standard scores GMQ- composite of results from the 2 subtests Age equivalent

20 GMQ: > 130 = Very Superior 121-130= Superior 111-120= Above Average 90-110 = Average 80-89 = Below Average 70-79 = Poor < 70 = Very Poor

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