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INFORMATION RETRIEVAL IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT USING MOBILE AGENT Presented by: Birajalaxmi Rout Guided by: Dr. A. J. Agrawal Date: 21 st May, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION RETRIEVAL IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT USING MOBILE AGENT Presented by: Birajalaxmi Rout Guided by: Dr. A. J. Agrawal Date: 21 st May, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT USING MOBILE AGENT Presented by: Birajalaxmi Rout Guided by: Dr. A. J. Agrawal Date: 21 st May, 2014

2 C ONTENTS Introduction Information Retrieval Mobile Agent Data Agent System

3 W HAT IS NLP ??? NLP is Natural Language Processing. Natural Languages are spoken or written by people for general communication. Example: Hindi, English, French, Chinese etc. NLP compasses anything that a computer needs to understand natural language (typed or spoken) and also generate the natural language. COMPUTER NL InputNL Output UnderstandingGeneration

4 NLP (N ATURAL L ANGUAGE P ROCESSING ) A field of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) scienceartificial intelligencelinguisticscomputershuman (natural) languages Major tasks in NLP Machine translation Optical character recognition (OCR) Optical character recognition Question answering Word sense disambiguation Information retrieval (IR) Information retrieval

5 I NFORMATION RETRIEVAL The activity of obtaining information resourcesinformation This is concerned with storing, searching and retrieving information. It is a separate field within computer science (closer to databases), but IR relies on some NLP methods (for example, stemming). Some current research and applications seek to bridge the gap between IR and NLP.

6 M OBILE AGENT a special kind of software which can execute autonomously. Mobile agents are agents that can migrate between physical nodes. Mobility 4 attributes of mobile agent 1. Identification 2. Data space 3. Itinerary 4. Method (,1)

7 C ONT … Functions of mobile agent 1. Cloning 2. Dispatch 3. Retrieval 4. Processing

8 I SSUES IN MOBILE AGENTS To make the mobile agents widely accepted there are still several open research issues to be faced: 1. Coordination models 2. Security 3. Appropriate programming languages 4. Efficiency 5. Standardisation faced at the “ level of model” “Implementation level”

9 AGLET IBM’s mobile agent, framework for MA Aglet is a lightweight java object that can move autonomously from one computer host to another for execution, carrying along its program code and state as well as the so far obtained data. An aglet can also be cloned or disposed. Aglets provide a very powerful, simple API allows for quick implementation and easy deployment.

10 D ATA AGENT SYSTEM Interface between user & agents Result Manager 1.One agent for each server 2.Only one agent that visit all the server 3.One agent that goes through the servers until to find first occurrence


12 Itinerary 1 197.6 104.4 142.32 Time in milliseconds

13 A PPLICATIONS THAT CAN BE IMPLEMENTED BY USING MOBILE AGENTS 1. WWW Information Retrieval 2. Data Processing 3. Mobile computing system

14 EXISTING SYSTEMS THAT IMPLEMENT MOBILE AGENTS 1. Agent-Tcl 2. Sumatra 3. Telescript and odyssey 4. Java-to-go

15 A DVANTAGES OF MOBILE AGENT OVER CLIENT - SERVER MODEL Limited flexibility Setting up a connection Sending & receiving request & result to/from Server. Limited Bandwidth Mobile agent adopts a new computing model: data stay at the local site, while the execution code is moved to the data sites. In C/S model, computing entities are static and passive.

16 R OLE OF MOBILE AGENT IN DISTRIBUTED ENVIORNMENT The driving force motivating the use of mobile agents in distributed model is two fold. 1. Provide an efficient, flexible and asynchronous method for searching for information or services in rapidly evolving networks 2. Support intermittent connectivity, slow networks, and lightweight devices.

17 C ONCLUSION The Data Agents system implements an application to investigate and test the convenience of using the mobile agent technology at a distributed environment. Aglets provide a very powerful, simple API allows for quick implementation and easy deployment. Implementation of an intelligent module that permits the Data Agents system, besides of the conventional search,

18 FUTURE WORK Researches about the risks and costs compensation through a system market establishment can be considered as one of our future works Implementation of an intelligent module that permits the Data Agents system, besides of the conventional search, Generating algo to reduce computation time and provide security

19 R EFERENCES Databases and Information Retrieval:Taking advantage of Mobile Agent Technology - Rosane Maria Martins, Luci Pirmez and Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo DISTRIBUTED INFORMATION RETRIEVAL USING MOBILE AGENT - Prof. Y M Naik, Shilpa Tarihal, Roopali Swami, Ashwini Purandare, Kiran Adike Mobile agents in distributed information retrieval – Brian Brewington, Robert Grey, Katsuhiro Moizumi, David Kotz, George Cybenko and Daniela Rus Mobile Agent Technology: Current Trends and Perspectives - G. Cabri, L. Leonardi, F. Zambonelli1

20 Efficient Information Retrieval Using Mobile Agents – Irene Sygkouna, Miltiades Anagnostou Mobile-Agent versus Client/Server Performance: Scalability in an Information-Retrieval Task - Robert S. Gray, David Kotz, and Ronald A. Peterson, Jr. Dartmouth College Peter Gerken, Martin Hofmann, and Daria Chac´on Lockheed-Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory Greg Hill and Niranjan Suri University of West Florida

21 Thank you

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