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Salt marsh 鹽沼 The boundaries of the salt marsh roughly coincide with high spring tide and low spring tide A salt marsh, also known as.

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Presentation on theme: "Salt marsh 鹽沼 The boundaries of the salt marsh roughly coincide with high spring tide and low spring tide A salt marsh, also known as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salt marsh 鹽沼 The boundaries of the salt marsh roughly coincide with high spring tide and low spring tide A salt marsh, also known as a coastal salt marsh or a tidal marsh, is a coastal ecosystem in the upper coastal intertidal zone between land and open salt water or brackish water that is regularly flooded by the tides.coastalintertidal zonesalt waterbrackish water

2 Salt marsh It is dominated by dense stands of salt-tolerant plants such as herbs, grasses, or low shrubs. [1][2] These plants are terrestrial in origin and are essential to the stability of the salt marsh in trapping and binding sediments.salt-tolerantherbsgrassesshrubs [1][2]marshsediments Salt marshes play a large role in the aquatic food web and the delivery of nutrients to coastal waters. They also support terrestrial animals and provide coastal protectionfood webcoastal protection

3 Animation of spring and neap tides

4 cirocks/tides/tideanim.htm The bulge under the moon is produced due to gravity "stretching" the water, pulling it toward the moon. The bulge produced on the opposite side of the Earth is made because the moon tries to pull the Earth out from under the water!

5 Tide 潮汐 Together, the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun affect the Earth’s tides on a monthly basis. When the sun, moon, and Earth are in alignment (at the time of the new or full moon), the solar tide has an additive effect on the lunar tide, creating extra-high high tides, and very low, low tides — both commonly called spring tides. One week later, when the sun and moon are at right angles to each other, the solar tide partially cancels out the lunar tide and produces moderate tides known as neap tides. During each lunar month, two sets of spring and two sets of neap tides occur (Sumich, J.L., 1996).

6 Tide 潮汐 When the moon is full or new, the gravitational pull of the moon and sun are combined. At these times, the high tides are very high and the low tides are very low.

7 sh

8 Rivers provide the salt marsh with a source of sediments 沉積物 and nutrients. 營養鹽

9 濕地鹽沼鹽原紅樹林亞潮帶

10 Effects of dredging 挖泥


12 Food Webs in Specific Wetland Types. Salt Marsh

13 Supplimentory reading 78EcologyFoodWebs.htm 78EcologyFoodWebs.htm Producers: the marsh grasses, Spartina and Juncus mostly, plus various other salt tolerant plants as well as lots of algae Benthic Habitat Probably less than 10% of the above ground primary productivity in a saltmarsh actually gets grazed,. Most plant biomass dies and decays and is passed through the detrital food web where the major consumers are bacteria and fungi. These are then consumed by the smallest animals—worms, copepods, rotifers, larval stages of benthic invertebrates, in other words, plankton. The bigger benthic invertebrates are either scavengers (crabs, snails) or filterers (oysters, mussels).

14 Reminder 1. Ecology: a word comes from the Greek word oikos which means "home" and so ecology is the study of organisms with themselves, each other, and their habitat—their home. 2. Population : a group of the same species living in the same place at the same time. 3. Community: to all the organisms interacting with one another and sharing available resources within a defined area.

15 Reminder 4. An ecosystem: all communities in a particular area as well as all the abiotic factors affecting that area. 5. Ecotones or ectones: Ecosystems sort of fade into one another as them meet. They are not sharply defined. These in-between zones are called ecotones or ectones.

16 Salt marsh er/oceanography/LecuturesOceanogr /LecSaltMarsh/LecSaltMarsh.html

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