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Sanctification. Jesus became for us I Corinthians 1:30 Wisdom from God Righteousness Sanctification Redemption.

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Presentation on theme: "Sanctification. Jesus became for us I Corinthians 1:30 Wisdom from God Righteousness Sanctification Redemption."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sanctification

2 Jesus became for us I Corinthians 1:30 Wisdom from God Righteousness Sanctification Redemption

3 Sanctify – be holy, pure Through truth –John 17:19 By Faith –Acts 26:18 By the Holy Ghost –Romans 15:16 IN Jesus Christ –I Cor. 1:2 Washed, cleansed –I Cor. 6:11 By the Word of God –I Tim. 4:5 Useful for the Master –II Tim. 2:21 One with Jesus –Hebrews 2:11 Through the offering –Hebrews 10:10 Perfected forever –Hebrews 10:14 Blood of the covenant –Hebrews 10:29

4 Timing Law & the Prophets were “Until John” –Luke 16:29-31 Time of Reformation –Hebrews 9:10 Until the appointed time –Galatians 4:2-4 Creation subject to futility, until now –Romans 8:19-23 Dispensation of the fullness of time –Ephesians 1:10

5 Sanctuary A holy place, as a building set aside for the worship of God. See saint.

6 Temple - Sanctuary Fathers had the tabernacle –Acts 7:44-48 Most High does not dwell in houses made You are the temple –I Corinthians 3:16 Grows into a Holy Temple –Ephesians 2:21 Living stones, Spiritual House –I Peter 2:4-5 Body of Christ is the Church –Colossians 1:24

7 New Sanctuary

8 Overcoming Obstacles to Sanctification Skepticism Justifying self Excuses Strife Self-righteousness

9 You “Into” the church Being Sanctified Sanctify you completely Of & By the Spirit Through the truth

10 Are you “Set Apart” for His Holiness & Purity?


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