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{ National American University’s World Class Faculty Academy Presents… Varied Teaching Techniques to Engage Your Students.

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Presentation on theme: "{ National American University’s World Class Faculty Academy Presents… Varied Teaching Techniques to Engage Your Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 { National American University’s World Class Faculty Academy Presents… Varied Teaching Techniques to Engage Your Students

2   This training session is an active learning session to improve instructor skills with utilizing varied teaching techniques in the classroom to promote and encourage student learning. The session reviews different types of learning activities and best applications in the classroom. Description

3   Instructors will leave the session with a better understanding of multiple teaching techniques and a plan to implement at least 3 different types in their next class session. Objective

4 Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic

5 Which are you? quizzes/bl_lstylequiz1.htm

6 Which are your students? Take a moment to reflect. Write down each students name and their preferred learning style.

7 Discuss! Take a moment to discuss different ways to start student discussion. Go!

8 Game Time! Let’s play… Faculty Idol!

9 Hands on Learning At National American University we pride ourselves on giving students applicable, real world skills. Take some time to reflect on how you can incorporate hands on practice into each of your remaining class meetings this quarter. Draft a written plan.

10 Video & Multimedia A4fS_K3U

11 Quality Questioning Ask questions frequently Ask specific, open ended questions Ask yes or no questions Wait 10 long seconds.

12 Reflection Ask questions frequently Ask specific, open ended questions Ask yes or no questions Wait 10 long seconds.

13 Quality Questioning Take a few minutes to write down the three of the techniques covered. Draft a plan to implement these techniques throughout the quarter.

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