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Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram which highlights the work of the Committees in the Scottish Parliament.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram which highlights the work of the Committees in the Scottish Parliament."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter Create a spider diagram which highlights the work of the Committees in the Scottish Parliament.

2 Lesson Starter 1.Explain the relationship between the UK and Scottish Parliament.

3 What will I learn? The relationship between the Scottish Government and the UK parliament.

4 Success Criteria Describe the relationship between the SP and Westminster List ad explain the areas that have caused conflict Outline the West Lothian Question

5 Relationships Overall positive relationship in the last 10 years of devolution. ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ – allows the four parliaments to meet and discuss policy issues. Nevertheless, the banking crisis and the coalition at Westminster may put relationships to the test.

6 The Prime Minister has accused the Scottish Government of allowing a ‘fractious’ relationship to sour links between London and Edinburgh. He said that his government wanted a fresh start with the Scottish Nationalist government. He wanted a ‘respect agenda’ "This agenda is about parliaments working together, of governing with respect, both because I believe Scotland deserves that respect and because I want to try and win Scotland's respect as the prime minister of the United Kingdom."

7 Alex Salmond accused of political stunt by photo-bombing David Cameron

8 SNP in charge at Holyrood If Independent Salmond has called for "positive relationship of equals“ He also branded calls for an English parliament debating laws which affect only English voters "thoroughly sensible" and demanded "a new and better, adult, grown-up relationship of equals between Scotland and England".

9 Alex Salmond has suggested David Cameron is anti- Scottish because the Prime Minister does not support independence. He said this would give the Prime Minister the opportunity to “articulate a case against Scotland”, while he would make the opposing argument for independence. Mr Salmond has so far refused to take part in a television debate with Alistair Darling, the head of the pro- UK Better Together campaign. He has insisted he will only debate with Mr Cameron, an invitation the Prime Minister has refused on the grounds that it is for Scotland to decide and he does not have a vote in the referendum

10 SNP in charge at Holyrood Public spending cuts high on the agenda, as well as other policy differences on reserved matters, there has been conflict. David Cameron has implemented the Scotland Act. Cameron installed a Liberal Democrat as his Secretary of State- Michael Moore. Not a Conservative.

11 Nicola Sturgeon And Michael Moore, Secretary of State. Remember Michael Moore holds this post jointly with another post in the UK cabinet. He represents the interests of Scotland in the UK cabinet, particularly on reserved matters. Acts as a Guardian of the Scotland act. Remember our notes on the FM and Michael Moore

12 Conflict with Westminster Release of the Lockerbie bomber. Cameron declared publicly that the decision to allow the Lockerbie bomber to return to Libya ‘undermined’ the UK’s global standing. Distanced himself from the decision.

13 Conflict with Westminster The 2015 General Election Conflict arose in 2010 over the UK Government’s decision to fix the next UK election for 7 May 2015 because it clashed with the Holyrood elections scheduled for the same day. Concern that this would cause confusion. Scottish Government moved the date to 2016. A spokesperson for the FM said that the lack of consultation on the part of the coalition government showed that they were ‘pursuing an agenda of disrespect’.

14 Conflict with Westminster Debate on Iraq war Asylum seekers Trident Leaders debates- Alex Salmond left out at the 2010 general election Independence

15 Lesson Starter Outline the conflicts the Scottish Parliament has had with Westminster.

16 Scotland’s Representation at Westminster ‘ Why should an MP from Blackburn West Lothian be able to vote in the House of Commons on health issues which do not affect his constituents but has an impact on constituents in Blackburn, England but the MP for Blackburn England cannot vote on health matters relating to Scotland?’

17 The West Lothian Question MPs representing Scottish constituencies at Westminster would be able to make crucial decisions on issues which did not affect the voters they were representing. For example on issues such as Health and Education. See West Lothian question handout. Answer the Student Activities Questions

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