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Ask Bristol and Viewfinder. Ask Bristol Set up as e-panel in January 2005 Ongoing dialogue rather than one-off and one-way consultations Discussions analysed.

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Presentation on theme: "Ask Bristol and Viewfinder. Ask Bristol Set up as e-panel in January 2005 Ongoing dialogue rather than one-off and one-way consultations Discussions analysed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ask Bristol and Viewfinder

2 Ask Bristol Set up as e-panel in January 2005 Ongoing dialogue rather than one-off and one-way consultations Discussions analysed and feed into consultation alongside other methods Analysis report distributed to all registered members Good demographic participation from 25-50 age group

3 Viewfinder Piloted from Department for Constitutional Affairs/Ministry of Justice e-innovations fund – went live in January 2007 Aimed initially at young people – attracting the under 25s to council’s consultations Worked with Bristol Young People’s forum to develop the project

4 Objectives Can some of the popularity of UG websites be transferred to council consultations? Are people comfortable using video technology to engage with the council and each other? Encourage participation from those who don’t get involved in traditional methods, particularly young people Humanise the consultation process

5 About the site Website built and hosted by Public-I Uses open source technology so low cost A Beta site so able to continually change and improve in response to feedback Incorporated with other consultation tools – ‘Ask Bristol’ one website for people to feed in to decision makers in the way THEY choose

6 Influencing decisions Included in reports, but decision makers can also view the feedback Outcomes can then be fed back on the site in an easily accessible way Viewers absorb information without having to read lots of text

7 What we have learned Good way to feed out information but regular communication needed to keep involvement Vox popping good way to go out and seek views of those who may not frequently take part in consultations Many people have chosen the ‘text’ route Has encouraged people who don’t normally participate – including young people

8 What next? Has potential to grow Need to keep publicising it and draw people in with interesting topics Need clearer step by step instructions and video on how to make and upload your own film clip Continue feeding out information on Consultations via video and vox popping where appropriate Not intended to replace traditional methods

9 Video introductions to consultations and video vox- popping

10 Opportunities from the WWW Previously – relied on the media to produce / distribute video Today – videos are cheap to make. Technology easy-to-use Internet - quick and easy way for us to distribute New opportunities for direct communication and engagement

11 Opportunities from the WWW More measurable – visitors, views, who More time to communicate video – 2 minute slot on local TV news Content can be shown across different websites Watch what you want, when you want

12 Video direct communication Webcasting Video on council website Video introductions to some council consultation Video vox-popping BSL videos

13 Webcasting

14 Video on council website – domestic violence

15 BSL videos

16 Explaining the issues – Bristol Partnership site

17 Video introductions to consultations

18 Video vox-popping

19 Why produce video introduction to issues? Media rich world Short films e.g. you-tube surging in popularity Videos - wealth of information Need to appeal to hard-to-reach / young people More impactful Not at the whim of a video editor from a traditional media outlet Literacy

20 Let’s take a look Filming and editing: Nathan Eisenstadt

21 Video introductions - lessons learnt Sound is critical – get it right first time Video editing skills are essential – more difficult than recording the footage Storyboard – very clear on your message Allow half-a-day to collect the footage Brief the presenters Don’t make it too long

22 Why video vox-pop? Can stimulate other people’s views Greater impact to hear people in their own words Hook people into a consultation Can illustrate / support other research e.g. survey results Can highlight new issues

23 Let’s take a look

24 Video vox-popping – lessons learnt Consider location, time of day Good spread of people Easier at their own home Video interviewing is a skill – relax the interviewee, encourage them to speak A lot of reluctance – easier with older people! Legal issues - security / privacy issues Time consuming - be prepared for rejections

25 Final thoughts Video vox-popping – not an end in itself Useful in attracting comment Firmly qualitative research – needs to be presented as such Useful in illustrating findings from traditional research e.g. questionnaires Potentially high impact with decision makers – needs to be used professionally

26 Contacts

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