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Language promotion ideas. Why learn a Language?  Assists in developing literacy skills - Teaching literacy in Languages in Year 7 booklet  Improves.

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Presentation on theme: "Language promotion ideas. Why learn a Language?  Assists in developing literacy skills - Teaching literacy in Languages in Year 7 booklet  Improves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language promotion ideas

2 Why learn a Language?  Assists in developing literacy skills - Teaching literacy in Languages in Year 7 booklet  Improves cognitive ability  Fosters intercultural understanding  University incentives  Better career prospects  Another string to their bow Plus:  It’s fun  It will set you apart from the rest  It allows you to communicate with more girls/more boys  It is sexy!  It is impressive! Advocacy resources:  AIS languages website spx

3 What are the incentives for learning/continuing a language? Linking in with Universities Recognised by Universities – Students receive bonus points if they score Band 5 or 6 staff/agreements/go8_lote_incentive_schemes.pdf staff/agreements/go8_lote_incentive_schemes.pdf AEF MY Future resource AEF programs - Ambassadors Guest speakers on Assembly – Ex- students, business community, NGOs Key person – Careers Advisor Opportunities beyond school

4 Strategies Language days Target Yr8 and Yr10 Promote it well, photos, video etc Collaborate with other schools- primary and secondary, boys and girls Linking in with Universities Ex students, guest speakers from Universities, business community to talk at assembly Include all languages in school community Listen to students’ stories

5 Language days…more ideas o Involve parents o Involve other departments (HSIE, RE, JS, Music, Art, IT) o Students MC special assembly in languages taught o Survey school population on languages spoken etc (Senior research project for Geography/Society & culture etc) o Present research at school assembly o Raise money for charity o Prayers in different languages

6 Whole school approach  Devise cross-curriculum Units of work  Offer your expertise to other faculties  Utilise staff/parent/student expertise  Involve NSA in life of whole school  Involvement in external competitions - MLTA Film competition - Alliance, Japan Foundation competitions - Scholarships - Art gallery of NSW - ACER - OZCLO  Sister school collaboration  Cross KLA involvement in Languages Day  Disseminate information widely  Signs in Language around school

7 Promoting Languages at faculty level Consistent terminology Use of ‘Languages’ rather than LOTE Promotion of progression and achievement 1. Easy to read programs on school portal for parents 2. Goals for each topic in student books 3. Student checklists at end of each topic 4. Faculty-based achievement certificates Languages and literacy policy Subject choice evenings 1. One page content planner showing progression and continuity of language learning in your school 2. Show parents the level language students reach by Yr 12(sample text, sample HSC paper) Articles in school newsletter, School magazine, End of year report Languages Newsletter (once or twice a year) Languages Noticeboard

8 Effective use of Grants 1. School language program : program writing, resource development, integrating IT, IT hardware, teacher release, PD, collaboration with other schools, specialist teacher salaries, development of Languages newsletter, DVD in language promoting your school 2. Parental polyglots: involving parent community, advertise widely, take photos use evaluations for language promotion

9 3. Lifting Languages: Languages Day incursions Languages newsletter website, portal collaboration with other schools 4. Authentic Access - Native speaker assistant involved with as many classes as possible introduced to staff interview with NSA in school newsletter 5. Meaningful mentoring - Professional development supporting new teachers extending experienced teachers 6. Enabling Electives – Stage 5 commitment from principal sustainable

10 Submission writing Include release for planning, and evaluating Be clear about your project Link project to student learning outcomes Don’t be too ambitious. Make sure it is attainable Try and involve as many staff members as possible in the project How will your project be sustained? Phone and talk through ideas

11 Discussion How do you promote languages in your school? Are these strategies working? How do you encourage students to choose languages at subject selection time? What role does the Careers Advisor play in promoting languages at your school?

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