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“A late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the.

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2 “A late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.” – Oxford Dictionary o Postmodernism is a type of film set after the ‘modern’ time-frame. o It challenges the ‘norm’ and conventions of a set genre. For example, in the 1960’s a man named Tzetan Todorov came up with the theory that a film should have three stages in chronological order (equilibrium, disruption and new equilibrium). A postmodern film might go against the idea of this. o Postmodern films are hybrids, meaning they are not just one set genre but a mix of two or more. This makes the films more interesting and also gives a broader range of film narratives to chose from when making film.

3 Postmodern films use techniques that would disrupt the ‘norm’ in filming. These techniques make it clear to the audience that they are watching a film which isn’t usually the aim when creating the film. To make it obvious that the audience are watching a constru- cted piece, postmodern films use techniques like:  Anti-narratives  Meta-refferencing  Intertexuality

4 An anti-narrative is where the film deliberately does not use the normal conventions of a film. For example, Tzvetan Todorov said all films should have a equilibrium, disruption and a new equilibrium (beginning, middle and end). A film like ‘Pulp Fiction’ (1994) challenges this. Therefore, making it an anti-narrative/non-linear narrative film. To show that a film has an anti-narrative, they can also use time remapping and have shots such as freeze frame and slow motion which also refers to hyperreality. For example the famous Guy Ritchie freeze frames whilst introducing the characters. KJ9DcaJ8M

5 Intertextuality is where one form of media copies an idea something from another (novel, comic, film, TV, song). For example almost the whole of ‘Scary Movie’ uses purely intertextuality. As another example, this shot from ‘The Shining’ (1980) was inspired by photographer ‘Diane Arbus’ with her picture of two young girls pictured below.

6 Genre was first used by Aristotle. He used it in Ancient Greek theatre to create a certain ‘quality control’ over types of play, where abnormality was discouraged. The three main genres he used were epic, tragedy and comedy. He used these genres to define his poetry from one another. Genre is a French word meaning ‘type’ or ‘kind’. It allows media like films, t.v, music etc. to fit into categories according to their obvious similarities.

7 A hybrid, relating to media terms, is a combination of two or more genres. Quentin Tarantino is famous for using hybrids. Many of his well-known films are hybrids including:  Reservoir Dogs (1992) – Crime & Drama  Kill Bill (2003) – Crime, Action, Martial Arts & Western  Pulp Fiction (1994) – Crime, Drama & Thriller

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