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Introduction to Mathematical techniques Formal Methods Limits of Formal Methods.

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2 Introduction to Mathematical techniques Formal Methods Limits of Formal Methods

3 Traditional design validation = Simulation – Choose test cases wisely, measure coverage – But still principally depend on selection of cases Formal Methods = Proof of Correctness – Methods with well-defined syntactical and semantical levels. – Both levels are based on mathematical theories (logic, algebra, set theory, etc.) – It is used in areas where errors can cause loss of life or significant financial damage. It is used much in floating point arithmetic.

4 Real-world numerical catastrophes – Intel FDIV Bug Error in Pentium hardwire floating point divide circuit. Intel recall in December 1994 & 1997 cost $300 million. – Patriot missile accident. 26 people were killed because of inaccurate calculation of the time. – Ariane 5 rocket. Ariane 5 rocket exploded 40 seconds after being launched by European Space Agency.

5 Verification Coverage Formal Methods real life Full coverage of some areas Full coverage Formal Methods – ideal case simulation Spot coverage

6 Use of Formal Methods by Projects

7 Use of Formal Methods by type of Application

8 Did the use of formal methods have an effect on time, cost, and quality? No effect Improvement worsening TimeCostQuality

9 Using Formal Methods – The conventional way of indicating a precondition and a postcondition for a statement S is {P} S {Q} where P is the precondition, and Q is the postcondition “ Hoare triple” e.g. { x = 0 } x:= x + 1 { x > 0 } is valid iff execution of x := x+1 in any state which x is 0 terminates in a state in which x > 0 Definition of assignment: { E[x := R] } x := E {R}, where R is postcondition, E is expression.

10 The use of formal methods

11 To apply Formal Methods in Scientific Computing, the domain of a relation must be valid, with respect to the design of logic. – E[ x := R ] ∧ domain( R ) – Domain(R) = { x|  (y | : (x,y)  R) } – e.g. x  { x |  (y | : -2^16 < x + y < 2 ^ 16)}   ( y | : -2^16 < x + y < 2^16)

12 For any operation in floating point, the result must be valid for the floating point specification. Floating Point x = (−1)^s ×2^e × m, when rounding x’ a rounding error happens, it must be |x – x’/x| <= 2^-p Floating-point computations depend on the architecture

13 Use formal methods as supplements to quality assurance methods not a replacement for them Formal methods can increase confidence in a product’s reliability if they are applied skillfully Useful for consistency checks, but formal methods cannot guarantee the completeness of a specifications. Formal methods must be fully integrated with domain knowledge to achieve positive results.

14 End

15 Hardware-independent proofs of numerical programs, Sylvie Boldo, Thi Minh Tuyen Nguyen. 2010 Formal Methods Applied to a Floating-Point Number System, Geoff Barrett, 1989, IEEE Formal Methods: Practice and Experience, Jim Woodcock, University of York Stochastic Formal Methods: An application to accuracy of numeric software. Limits of Formal Methods, Ralf Kneuper

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