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Bewitched Functions By: Katie Thoburn Click on the trick-or-treater to continue.

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2 Bewitched Functions By: Katie Thoburn Click on the trick-or-treater to continue

3 Meet the Salem Sisters, they are not like normal witches who brew potions, they brew functions! When they put certain numbers into their cauldron, the solution to the function bubbles out! However, the sisters want to know what to drop in the cauldron to get their favorite numbers out. Click on their pumpkin to see how you can help!

4 Before we begin, we should do a quick review of how my function cauldron works. Click the cauldron to continue!

5 Since you’re helping me and my sisters, I suppose I can share with you our super secret Salem Sisters function formula….. click on me when you’re ready to review Order of Operations! y=4x+6-2 Ddouble, double toil And touble!

6 Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally The Order of Operations follow this acronym: P arenthesis E xponent M ultiplication D ivision A ddition S ubraction Click here to continue!

7 Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally exponents or subtraction

8 Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally exponents or subtraction Actually, you should do exponents first, because the ‘E’ in our acronym comes before the ‘S’ Click on the candy bag to continue!

9 Exponents would be first! Let’s try another example … Multiplication or Parenthesis

10 Example #2: Order of Operations Multiplication or Parenthesis In this example, the Parenthesis would be solved for first because the ‘P’ comes before the ‘M’ in our acronym. Click the mummy to continue!

11 y=4x+6-2 My sisters and I know how to put our favorite numbers into the cauldron, but we want to know what to put in the cauldron to get our favorite numbers to bubble out… Can you look through my spell book to find the answer? Click on it to start reading. Parenthesis would be first! Let’s take a look at the function now.

12 To Put a Number In If you want to put a number into your function, simply apply it as the X value, and solve for Y To Get a Number Out If you want to put a number into your function, simply apply it as the Y value, and solve for X “So simple! Click on me to continue!”

13 Now that we know how to get our favorite numbers to bubble out of the cauldron, we are ready to start solving! Here are our favorite numbers…. click on each number when you are ready to solve for it’s X-Value, or, what we should put in the cauldron to get that number to bubble out 16-410 Try..Then..Lastly..

14 y=4x+6-2 If the desired output is 16 what number should they put in? 36 5 2

15 That’s Correct! click here to solvehere for the next number

16 Not quite… Make sure you did Order of Operations correctly! Click the pumpkin to try again !

17 y=4x+6-2 If the desired output is -4 what number should they put in? 42 -2

18 Not quite… Make sure you did Order of Operations correctly! Click the pumpkin to try again !

19 y=4x+6-2 If the desired output is 10 what number should they put in? 1/2 2/3 3/4 3/2

20 Not quite… Make sure you did Order of Operations correctly! Click the pumpkin to try again !

21 1016 -4 “Congratulations! You got solved all of the functions correctly, and now our favorite numbers are bubbling out of the cauldron! Thanks for helping me andmy sisters! Happy Halloween!” citationscitations…

22 Citations Background on Introduction Slide: werpoint/Index.html All ClipArt & Audio provided by: Microsoft Office PowerPoint

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