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264_2f/1 Using Superconductivity in Space Using Superconductivity in Space F. Cervelli LNF, Februry 16, 2005 LNF, Februry 16, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "264_2f/1 Using Superconductivity in Space Using Superconductivity in Space F. Cervelli LNF, Februry 16, 2005 LNF, Februry 16, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 264_2f/1 Using Superconductivity in Space Using Superconductivity in Space F. Cervelli LNF, Februry 16, 2005 LNF, Februry 16, 2005

2 264_2f/2 100 Years of Super Conductivity Super-Conduction at -270°C (Kammerlingh-Onnes 1911) Nobel Prizes in: y01K530_05.ppt current 1913 J. Barden, L.Cooper, J.Schrieffer Theory of Superconductivity 1972 G.Bednorz, A.Müller High temperature Superconductivity 1987 2003 A.A. Abrikosov, V.L. Ginzburg, A.J. Leggett Theory of superconductors and superfluids H. Kammerlingh-Onnes Discovery of Superconductivity I Normal conduction Wire Metal atoms oscillate  cause friction  HEAT Metals: Pb, Nb, Ti  Atoms rest, Cooper pairs of electrons move frictionless (Quantum Mech.) I current

3 264_2f/3 A magnetic detector is needed to measure the charge of matter/antimatter. He

4 264_2f/4 It has taken a hundred years to develop the technology of superconductivity for practical applications: It is now commonly used in medicine - for example NMR - and cyclotron for therapy. It is widely used in recent years for physics research. It is used in Tokamak. Superconducting magnet technology should be developed for Physics research in Space and for Manned Space Flight. lb04k026a

5 264_2f/5 Permanent Magnet B = 0.5 Gauss Superconducting Magnet STEP ONE: Develop a Permanent Magnet in Space 1- Stable: no influence from earth magnetic field 2- Safety for the astronauts: No field leak out of the magnet 3- Low weight: no iron STEP TWO: Develop a Superconducting Magnet in Space With the same field arrangement as the permanent magnet: Except it has 10,000 Gauss field = 1 T There has never been a superconducting magnet in Space, due to the extremely difficult technical challenges

6 264_2f/6 y04K409a02K216 Harrison.ppt It is not possible to quench the coils except by outside heating Technical achievement to eliminate quench for AMS-02

7 264_2f/7 For a magnet with long duration without refill and light weight, use superfluid Helium Normal liquid Helium: -268.85°C Superfluid Helium: -271.35°C has no surface tension Indirect cooling with cold heat exchanger In Space: Cold Heat exchanger cannot be uniformly cooled In Space: Cold Heat exchanger is uniformly cooled He

8 264_2f/8 Y04K615 Harrison

9 264_2f/9 The AMS detector has been under construction for 10 years. Final ESA thermal vacuum test of the entire detector in 2006. ECAL

10 264_2f/10

11 264_2f/11 Superconducting Magnets for Power Generation, NASA Prof. Samim Anghaie, Director, Innovative Nuclear Space Power and Propulsion Institute, INSPI; University of Florida, Gainesville. Vapor Core Reactor with MHD power conversion VASIMR configuration with Vapor Core Reactor System The vapor core reactor for space applications uses a superconducting magnet for MHD power conversion y04K118a Toroidal Magnet Pair

12 264_2f/12 Superconducting Magnets for Electric Propulsion (JSC) VASIMR Isp ~ 10-30 Ksec High power electric propulsion such as VASIMR and other applied field plasma rockets relies on the technology of superconducting magnets operating in space. y04K117a

13 264_2f/13 Artificial Gravity for Mars Mission

14 264_2f/14

15 264_2f/15

16 264_2f/16 SC for Manned Space Flight

17 264_2f/17 B=0 inside B  1/R B=0 inside B  1/R a) b) - the solenoidal configuration is not adequate and must be adopted a toroidal configuration where the field diminishes at the increasing of the radius; - the outer part of the system must be deployed or assembled in space. electric current return of the electric current

18 264_2f/18 Traditional NASA Design 130 rem ISS limit: 50 rem/year Superconducting Technology 45 rem 30 tons Magnet or 1000 tons of Aluminum Traditional NASA Mars Reference Design (using absorbing material for shielding cosmic radiation) Used by NASA (JSC) for design studies of costs, technologies and science compared with Superconducting Magnet Technology for shielding cosmic radiation Superconducting Magnet Technology for shielding cosmic radiation

19 264_2f/19 y04K409 No magnetic field Fe Magnetic shielding of radiation No field Strong magnetic field

20 264_2f/20 Looking for Technical Solutions (1)

21 264_2f/21 Crew compartment 7.00 m 6T Propulsion, Energy and Live support, Mars Magnet System - Version (102) 4.5T 2.1T Superfluid helium vessel Thermal radiation shields Barrel toroid supports End Cap toroid supports y05K003bV2 1.00 m Ø 15.00 m Ø 4.50 m Propulsion, Energy and Live support, with existing AMS-02 technology Looking for Technical Solutions (2)

22 264_2f/22 8m4m habitat Looking for Technical Solutions (3)

23 264_2f/23 Toroids of different external radii shielding a ‘Habitat’ volume: energy released by proton in the human body for the MaxSEP and for the galactic protons at solar minimum as a function of the magnetic field intensity at R=R 1 The indication of the level of the unshielded GCR total ‘dose’ is reported for comparison 6m 8m 12m 4m habitat Looking for Technical Solutions (4)

24 264_2f/24 recommendations cryocooler development deployable current elements superconducting magnetic system model validation by prototypes (expecially for shielding) study of hybrid solutions ………….. and many other studies Road Map to the Future

25 264_2f/25

26 264_2f/26 Dose [Gy/year] due to GCR proton component at solar minimum inside the shelter as a function of the residual dose due to the MaxSEP inside the ‘shelter’. Looking for Technical Solutions (5)

27 264_2f/27 V= 111.3 m 3 = 3932 cuft

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