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Prof N Barney Pityana Principal and Vice-Chancellor Unisa Unisa and its Alumni.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof N Barney Pityana Principal and Vice-Chancellor Unisa Unisa and its Alumni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof N Barney Pityana Principal and Vice-Chancellor Unisa Unisa and its Alumni

2 Content Governance Council Representation Management Vision Mission Values Key Strategic Objectives Entrance

3 Governance Dr NM Phosa (Chairperson Of Council)

4 Council representation for Alumni Mr ER Maponya - Educationist and Community Leader - (Limpopo) Ms SJ Thwebane - Educationist - (Mpumalanga) Mr BP Vundla - Businessman/ Advertising - (Gauteng)

5 Unisa management Vice-Chancellor: Prof N B Pityana Pro-Vice Chancellor: Prof N Mathabe Prof DL Mosoma Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice Principal: Operations Prof CF Swanepoel Vice Principal: Academic Prof AH Louw Vice Principal: Learner Support Prof N Baijnath Vice Principal: Research and Planning Prof R C Bodibe Vice Principal: Student and Alumni Affairs Prof GJ De J Cronjé Vice-principal Finance Prof TH Links Registrar: Governance and Secretary of Council Prof L Molamu Registrar: Academic

6 New Vision Towards the African university in the service of humanity.

7 Mission The University of South Africa is a comprehensive, open learning and distance education institution, which, in response to the diverse needs of society: provides quality general academic and career- focused learning opportunities underpinned by principles of lifelong learning, flexibility, and student-centeredness; undertakes research and knowledge development guided by integrity, quality and rigour; participates in community development by utilising its resources and capacities for the upliftment of the disadvantaged;

8 Mission is accessible to all learners, specifically those on the African continent, and the marginalised, by way of a barrier-free environment, while responding to the needs of the global market; addresses the needs of a diverse learner profile by offering relevant learner support, facilitated by appropriate information and communications technology; develops and retains high quality capacities among its staff members to achieve human development, by using the resources at its disposal efficiently and effectively;

9 Mission cultivates and promotes an institutional ethos, intellectual culture and educational experience that is conducive to critical discourse, intellectual curiosity, tolerance, and a diversity of views; contributes to good and responsible society by graduating individuals of sound character and versatile ability; and meets the needs of the global competitive society by nurturing collaborative relationships with its stakeholders and other partners.

10 Values The University of South Africa espouses the values in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa: human dignity, the achievement of equality, and social justice. We also affirm the historic principles of academic freedom. We seek to weave these into the fabric of our institutional life and culture. Elaborated, these values and principles consist of the following elements:

11 Values Integrity Subscribing to truth, honesty, transparency and accountability of conduct in all that we do Social justice and fairness Promoting equity of access and opportunity so that all may develop their full potential Excellence Upholding high standards of aspiration in all our practices, with continuous attention to improvement in quality

12 Strategic objectives 1. Effect a seamless transition to harmonized and coherent structures, policies, systems and practices for the merged institution. 2. Position UNISA as a leading provider of quality distance education programmes through an academic product range that expands on its comprehensive character. 3.Promote research, increased capacity and productivity aligned with national priorities for knowledge development.

13 Strategic objectives 4. Utilize the resources and capacities of the University in community development initiatives, and collaborative partnerships. 5. Establish service-orientated, technology- enhanced learner support to increase retention and throughput. 6.Create a nurturing environment to promote student well-being, to foster a sense of belonging to UNISA, and to mobilize alumni in the service of the University.

14 Strategic objectives 7.Establish quality governance, planning, administrative and management systems led by best practices. 8.Manage financial, human and infrastructural resources rationally tomonitor expenditure, optimize value, manage risks and ensure financial sustainability.

15 Strategic objectives 9.Foster a healthy, secure and stimulating environment for staff, students and visitors, and protect the assets of the University. 10.Establish a performance-orientated approach to management, promote quality assurance, assess outcomes, and reward productivity and excellence.




19 Thank you

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