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Ethical Decision Making and Consumer Directed Care Have You Thought About It? Angie Robinson November 2023.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethical Decision Making and Consumer Directed Care Have You Thought About It? Angie Robinson November 2023."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethical Decision Making and Consumer Directed Care Have You Thought About It? Angie Robinson November 2023

2 Aim: -Provide an overview of the issues facing case managers and consumers -Raise awareness of the importance of our own value base and influence in practice -Provide an overview of principles to guide ethical decision making -Provide a framework for practice

3 Acknowledge National Code of Ethics for Case Management developed by the Case Management Society of Australia (2013)

4 Ethical decision making in consumer directed care – so what? Have we considered this as an inherent part of our practice? Do our staff understand what it is? Are they able to translate the principles into practice? Have we even had the conversation?

5 When I raise this issue – What are the first responses do you think I receive?

6 Concepts of:- - Choice "Is it that easy to translate into practice?” -Choice -Control -Balanced Relationships (power) -Citizenship -Focus on strengths -Transparency

7 What is ethical decision making? Making right or good choices and the reasons we give for our choices and actions Acting professionally and with integrity Values, principles, practice and conduct Standards of behaviour

8 What ethical decision making isn't? Not the same as feelings Not religion Not always following the law Not following culturally acceptable norms Not science

9 Why is it a challenge in practice? Self-interest Boundaries Acting out of judgement and conflicts in values Doing what is standardly done

10 Why is it a challenge in practice? Conflicts of interest Understanding self determination Understanding who is the consumer Recalcitrant people

11 Staying true to the intent of CDC and consumer choice and control? The right to be a citizen The right to be independent The right to a quality of life Human rights

12 Understanding our own value base:- Am I making decisions for the consumer? When do I transfer my values and judgement ? Am I listening to the consumer or someone else? What is ethical for the consumer?

13 Principle's to guide decisions and practice? Positive obligation and contributing to the welfare of others (beneficence) Act so as to do no harm (non malfeasance) Promoting justice and fairness (social justice) Respect for autonomy (Autonomy) CMSA 2013

14 Other principles to guide decisions and practice? Common good Confidentiality Respecting dignity of human beings Disclose information that people have a right to

15 Principles to guide decisions and practice cont.:- Respect diversity Inclusiveness Transparency Stewardship

16 Am I asking a should question? feeling uncomfortable? Are values and beliefs involved? trying to determine the right course of action? A framework for practice?

17 Recognise the issue Think before you act: – - Am I making assumptions? - What are the facts? Decide on a course of action Test your decision:- - Review the ethical question?

18 A framework for practice? Implement the course of action and monitor progress Share learning's Skills of our staff

19 The importance of having an ongoing conversation and practice reflection…

20 “ Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” Potter Stewart

21 Thank you

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