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1. Supreme Court Cases Pt. 3.   SWBAT evaluate the ways the the Supreme Court has dealt with many controversial issues and analyze their impact on American.

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1 1. Supreme Court Cases Pt. 3

2   SWBAT evaluate the ways the the Supreme Court has dealt with many controversial issues and analyze their impact on American society. Lesson Objective

3   Due Process  fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen's entitlement.  Recall: Judicial Precedents  How are people’s constitutional rights protected when they are arrested? (Recall the Miranda rights: you have the right to be silent…).  Chart & Share Out  Discussion  Is it important for the police to read someone accused of a crime their Miranda rights? Explain! Word of the Day/Initial Activity

4   Focus Question: How did Congress pass pieces of legislation in an attempt to address important social and economic issues?  Read Mapp v. Ohio (1961)  Read Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)  Read Miranda v. Arizona (1966)  Read NJ v. TLO and Vernonia (1984)  For your reading:  Summarize the events leading up to the passage of the legislation.  Explain the impact of this piece of legislation on American society.  Extension Activity  Complete additional readings besides the one assigned to your group.  Share Out Activity 1: Supreme Court Cases Jigsaw

5   Goal: To incorporate one example from the jigsaw into a well-written body paragraph.  Structure:  Transition : “One example of a congressional legislation is…”  Historical Circumstance: List relevant background information for why the law was passed.  Analyze impact on American society : How did this law change America?  Relate back to thesis: The Homestead Act had a profound impact on America’s economy and society. Supreme Court Cases Essay Body Paragraph Practice

6   1. Mapp v. Ohio  a. Evidence obtained from a search without a warrant inadmissible in court.  2. Gideon v. Wainwright  a. All accused are given a lawyer if they cannot afford one.  3. Miranda v. Arizona  a. Accused must be read their rights when arrested.  5. NJ v. TLO and Vernonia  a. Schools are allowed to search student lockers without probable cause. Mini-Lesson

7   Exit Ticket In the decisions made in Miranda v. Arizona and Gideon v. Wainwright, the United States Supreme Court has a. supported a strict interpretation of the Constitution b. allowed the states to define due process c. expanded the rights of the accused d. extended Federal protection of voting rights One way in which the Supreme Court decisions in Mapp v. Ohio (1961), Gideon v. Wainwright (1963), and Miranda v. Arizona (1966) are similar is that each decision a. defined the rights of students in public schools b. strengthened the role of the police in the arrest process c. demonstrated the Court's disapproval of increasing crime rates d. expanded the constitutional rights of persons accused of crime Summary

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