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Unit 5 Spreadsheets 5.07 AutoSum Button, Absolute/Relative Cell Reference.

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1 Unit 5 Spreadsheets 5.07 AutoSum Button, Absolute/Relative Cell Reference

2 Introduction Over the last lessons in this unit you have learned how to create formulas in different types of formats. At the end of the lesson you will be able to create formulas by using the AutoSum button ∑ and copy those formulas to other cells by using the fill handle. You will also insert new columns and rows and see how the formulas will automatically adjust the cell reference name.

3 Introduction At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: – Demonstrating programming logic used to create a product (ACOS 19B1) Examples: products—digital game, interactive learning tool – Utilize interactive models and digital sources to address real-world (ACOS 21)problems. Example: using graphic organizing tools

4 Lesson This lesson is designed to help you learn several new features in Excel. These features are easy to use and helpful. You may want to know why you didn’t start out using them in the beginning. The reason for not beginning with these features is due to the fact that you need to understand how to create a formula on your own. To think about what you want to do mathematically and organize your thoughts in a formula so that it works correctly. Not all formulas can be created by using a function or the AutoSum button. Some formulas have to be created to perform specific mathematical functions you want to use. Formulas that will utilize the Absolute Cell Reference have to be created manually, but once created, they can be copied to other cells by using the fill handle. You will learn how to create and use these features by the end of this lesson.

5 Summary Using the features outlined in this lesson has given you an edge that other students may not have. You have a resource available to you that will help you create worksheets that may be of importance to you. You may need to create a worksheet to help you balance your checkbook, or you may begin a lawn maintenance business for the summer and you need to keep up with your clients, the services you have provided them, the amount you have charged for the work, if they have paid or not. These are just a few examples of worksheets you could create to apply to real-world computer applications

6 Task 1 In this lesson we will utilize the same worksheet you used when creating functions (5.06 Test Spreadsheet).5.06 Test Spreadsheet You are going to modify the spreadsheet by inserting new columns and you will be able to see how the formulas adjusted to reflect the new column cell reference names. Instead of keying the formulas like we did in the previous lesson, you will use the AutoSum button to help your create the formula functions.

7 Task 1 Continued This feature will help you simplify creating your worksheet. Excel offers many features like these to help make creating worksheets easy. You will still be using the following functions, but remember, you are going to use the AutoSum button. SUM - to total a range of cells AVERAGE - to average a range of cells COUNT – to determine how many items are in a column or row MAX – to determine the largest number in a row or column MIN – to determine the smallest number in a row or column You will be adding to the spreadsheet you just submitted. Open up the spreadsheet and complete the attached instructions.spreadsheetinstructions Save to your F Drive in your Unit 5 as – 5.07 AutoSum Dropbox.

8 Task 2 Imagine that you are currently employed by a retail store and your salary is commission based. Commission is a salary paid to an employee(s) based on a percentage of their weekly or monthly sales. Jobs that pay employees a commission are some retail jobs, car salesmen, insurance salesmen, and stockbrokers to name a few. In this worksheet the employees will be paid a 10% commission on their weekly sales. Please enter the following data into the specified cells. Cell A1 – Employee Commission Cell A3 – Rate Cell B3 – 10% Cell A5 – Employee Cell B5 – Sales Cell C5 – Commission Cell A6 – John Cell A7 – Paul Cell A8- Susan Cell A9 – Mary Cell A10 – Tyler Cell B6 - $4,325.50 Cell B7 - $3,250.75 Cell B8 - $2,670.00 Cell B9 - $5,350.30 Cell B10 - $4,133.06

9 Task 2 Continued Now you will need to create a formula in cell C6 that multiples the sales amount listed for each employee by the commission rate. Make sure the cell reference that contains the data for the commission rate is an absolute cell reference. You can type the formula, highlight the cell reference that should be the absolute cell reference and hold F4. Pressing F4 on the highlight cell reference will automatically place the dollar signs $ in the appropriate place. If you do not want to create the formula that way then as you key the cell reference that should be absolute enter the $ before the column name and again before the row name. An example of a similar formula would be =A2*$B$2 (not the formula for this problem just an example). Once you have created the formula, use the fill handle to copy the formula down the cells in the Commission column. Click on one of the cells that contains the copied formula and make sure the absolute cell reference has stayed the same. Make sure you format your Sales and Commission columns to have a comma in the numbers and two decimal places. Save to your F drive in your Unit 5 Folder as – 5.07 Commission Dropbox.

10 Unit 5 Folder Remember to save all of your work to your Unit 5 folder!

11 Are you finished? You should have – 15 files Saved to your F Drive – in your Unit 5 Folder. 1.5.01 Introduction to Spreadsheets Dropbox 2.5.02 Number Format Dropbox 3.5.03 Interest Schedule Dropbox 4.5.04 Nielson’s Top Ten List 5.5.04 Modern Day on First 6.5.04 Charts Worksheet Dropbox 7.5.04 Create Chart Dropbox 8.5.05 Pie Chart 9.5.05 Bar Chart 10.5.05 Line Chart 11.5.05 Reading Charts Dropbox 12.5.05 Digital Use Dropbox 13.5.06 Functions Dropbox 14.5.07 AutoSum Dropbox 15.5.07 Commission Dropbox

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