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RESULT HIGHLIGHTS Population and Housing Census of Bhutan-2005 Office of the Census Commissioner Langjophakha, Thimphu, Bhutan.

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Presentation on theme: "RESULT HIGHLIGHTS Population and Housing Census of Bhutan-2005 Office of the Census Commissioner Langjophakha, Thimphu, Bhutan."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESULT HIGHLIGHTS Population and Housing Census of Bhutan-2005 Office of the Census Commissioner Langjophakha, Thimphu, Bhutan

2 Census Enumeration Census Enumeration Day on 30 th and 31 st May, 2005 De facto method: includes all persons physically found and present in an area at the reference time of census enumeration. The Census Method based on the UN Principles and Recommendations; The census included all persons irrespective of nationality within the geographical boundary of Bhutan.

3 Total Population Total Population=634,982 Male=333,595 Female=301,387 Urban=196,111 Rural=438,871 Floating Popn.= 37,443 Total Popn. Including Floating Population=672,425

4 Population by Dzongkhag DzongkhagPopulationPercent Bumthang16,1162.5 Chhukha74,38711.7 Dagana18,2222.9 Gasa3,1160.5 Ha11,6481.8 Lhuentse15,3952.4 Monggar37,0695.8 Paro36,4335.7 Pemagatshel13,8642.2 Punakha17,7152.8 Samdrupjonkhar39,9616.3 Samtse60,1009.5 Sarpang41,5496.5 Thimphu98,67615.5 Trashigang51,1348.1 Trashiyangtse17,7402.8 Trongsa13,4192.1 Tsirang18,6672.9 Wangdue31,1354.9 Zhemgang18,6362.9 All Dzongkhag634,982100

5 Percent distribution of population across dzongkhags

6 Single Age Pyramid No of Persons Female Male

7 Population Pyramid Male Female

8 Population by Sex SexPersonsPercent Male333,59552.54 Female301,38747.46 Total634982100 52.5% 47.5%

9 Population by Area Residence Area of ResidencePersonsPercent Urban19611130.9 Rural43887169.1 Total634,982100.0

10 Dzongkhag Population by Area of Residence



13 Five Most Populated Urban Areas

14 Population Density Population Density= 16.36

15 Spoken Language at Home (5yrs +) Total Population 5yrs +57259790.18% of the Total Population LanguageDzongkhaSharchhopkhaLhotshamkhaOthersForeign Language Percent242822197

16 Religion ReligionPersonsPercent Buddhist47789875.3 Hindus14032322.1 Others167612.6 Total634982100

17 Marital Status PersonsPercent Single21705443.2 Married25750251.3 Widowed175313.5 Divorced69291.4 Separated22970.5 Living together7170.1

18 Dependency & Aging Sex Ratio at birth (males to 100 females) = 101 Overall Sex Ratio = 111 Total dependency ratio = 61 % Child dependency ratio= 53 % Old dependency ratio= 8 % Aging index (lderly per 100 childre) = 14 Median age of population= 22


20 In-migration & out-migration Dzongkhag Life-time in- migration Life time out- migration Net migration Thimphu 54,685 14,91539,770 Chhukha 24,951 9,47115,480 Sarpang 17,997 12,2525,745 Trashigang 7,105 23,802-16,697 Zhemgang 3,519 12,028-8,509 Monggar 5,418 12,871-7,453

21 In-migration & out-migration

22 Urban-Rural migration Urban – Rural= 19,992 persons Rural – Urban= 111,770 persons Net Migration (Urban)= 91,778

23 Population outside Bhutan Total PersonsSex MaleFemale 897964242559


25 Literacy Rate by Residence and Sex (6 yrs +) Total persons = 558,522 Literate = 332,194 (59.5 %) Illiterate= 226,328 (40.5 %) Male Urban Literate=203,868 (69.1%)Literate=131,387 (75.9%) Illiterate=91,123 (30.9%)Illiterate=41,643 (24.1%) Female Rural Literate=128,326 (48.7%) Literate=200,807 (52.1%) Illiterate=135,203 (51.3%)Illiterate=184,685 (47.9%)

26 Literate population by Sex SexPersonsPercent Male203,86861.4 Female128,32638.6 Total332,194100.0

27 Literacy Rate by Area and Sex

28 Literacy Rate by Dzongkhag

29 Distribution of Urban Literate Population

30 Distribution of Rural Literate Population


32 Fertility Number of Live Births=12,538 Total Fertility Rate = 2.6 Total births past 1 year by sex 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 15 - 1920 - 2425 - 2930 - 3435 - 3940 - 4445 - 49 Age group of mother Live births Male Female Total

33 Mortality Crude Mortality Rate (CMR) per 1000 live birth = 21.4 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) per 1000 live birth = 40.1 Number of Deaths =4,498 Figure 5.8: Number of deaths for different age groups 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Age in years Male Female Both sex

34 Population growth Crude Birth Rate (CBR)= 20 Crude Death Rate(CDR)= 7 Natural Growth Rate= 1.3% Migration rate= 2.0% Overall Growth Rate= 3.3%

35 Delivery Attended by Health Personnels

36 Main Source of Drinking Water - Piped water within house= 28,615 (22.7%) - Piped water within house= 28,615 (22.7%) - Piped water outside house= 77,529 (61.5%) - Spring river pond= 18,054 (14.3%)

37 Sanitation Toilet facilities - Independent flush toilet inside house = 23,338 (18.5%) - Pit latrine = 62,806 (49.8%) - Independent flush toilet outside house =12,036 (9.5%) - No toilet facilities = 12,747 (10.1%)

38 Visit to health facility Number of Households Who visited a health facility in the past one year: - Yes= 113,342 (89.9%) - No = 12,773 (10.1%)

39 Reasons for not visiting health facility - Not ill (no need)= 9,754 hhlds (76.4%) - Too far= 1,590 hhlds (12.4%) - Prefer home treatment = 405 (3.2%)

40 Disability DisabilityCasesPercent Seeing590623.5 Speaking447917.8 Hearing898535.7 Moving437017.4 Mental13945.5

41 Disability by Age Group


43 Labor & employment (age 15 and over) Total labor force = 425,023 persons Economically active = 256,895 persons Economically inactive= 168,123 persons Economically active Employed= 249,030 (96.9%) Unemployed= 7,865 ( 3.1%) Percent of economically active & inactive population 63.5 60.6 38.7 36.5 39.4 61.3 - 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 EmployedUnemployedEconomically Inactive Male Female

44 Employment Status Urban Male Urban FemaleRural Male Rural FemaleMale Both areas Female Unemployed Employed 96.4 92.4 97.497.9 97.196.7 3.6 7.6 2.6 Percent Employed & Unemployed by Sex and Area

45 Sector of Employment Agricult ure Mining /Quarri ng Manu factur ing Electric ity/gas/ water Construct ion Retail/ Whole sale Trade Hot el/R esta uran t Transp ort/Co mmuni cation Financ e/Insu rance Public admini stratio n/secu rity Educati on Healt h servi ces Others (Not classifie d above) 43.621.141.961.6512.402.711.613.240.927.023.151.0119.57

46 Employment Status 18 years and above


48 Type of Household Type HouseholdsPopulation (in numbers)Percent Regular580,33691.49 Institutional45,7447.2 Transient Population8,9021.4 Number of regular households = 126,115 Average persons per household= 4.6 persons

49 Head of Household HouseholdsPercent Male Headed71.8 Female Headed28.2

50 Head of the Household by Dzongkhag

51 House Occupancy Status

52 Roof Material Roof material for housing –CGI/ metal roof= 82,432 hholds (65.4%) –Shingles/wood= 15,852 hhlds (12.6%) –Bamboo roof= 8,539 hhlds (6.8%)

53 Roof material by Residence

54 Wall Material –Concrete/brick/stone = 57,351 hhlds (45.5%) –Mud wall= 26,603 hhlds (21.1%) –Wood wall= 19,581 hhlds (15.5%) –Bamboo wall = 15,994 hhlds (12.7%)

55 Wall Material by Residence

56 Major Source of Cooking Fuel SourceHouseholdsPercent Electricity5661530.6% Firewood6901337.3% LPG4737525.6%

57 Major Source of Lighting SourceHouseholdsPercent Electricity 72,06357.1 Kerosene 46,06436.5

58 Communication and Media Facilities Facilities Radio/tape playerTV/VideoTelephone Mobile phoneComputerInternet Househo lds 83,18335,42021,59713,7033,2191,564

59 Ownership of Assets Assets Land/plot House/ buildingLivestockBusinessVehicleFridge Washing machineMachinery Households 81,39261,50751,9087,55812,764 19,175 4,5983,220

60 Households Walking Distance from Motor Road Time TakenHouseholdsPercent Less than 1 hr8908870.6 Within 1-4 hrs1863514.8 4 hrs or more1839214.6

61 Happiness at the National Level

62 State of Happiness Not Very HappyHappyVery Happy Urban103421,19116,086 Rural309443,84940,861 Bhutan412865,04056,947


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