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Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Students will design a bridge that spans a canyon. The bridge that can hold the most weight.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Students will design a bridge that spans a canyon. The bridge that can hold the most weight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21, 2014 Science 7: Objective: Students will design a bridge that spans a canyon. The bridge that can hold the most weight will be declared the winner. Engage: Eye Wonder - Building Bridges Video Segment Explore: Junk Box Wars materials Explain: Competition rules Elaborate: Teams will meet to brainstorm design ideas Evaluate: Students will work together to put forth their best design to meet the requirements of the challenge

2 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21, 2014 Science 6: Chapter 1 Test

3 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21,2014 Science 5: Chapter 3 Test

4 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21, 2014 Science 8: Objective: Identify the relationship between temperature, pressure and volume according to Boyle's Law and Charles' Law Engage: Basketball song Explore: Answer questions that go along with the lyrics to the song Explain: Explain how gas laws relate to flying a hot air balloon - pressure-and-temperature-relationship.html#lesson pressure-and-temperature-relationship.html#lesson Elaborate: Write in your own words how a hot air balloon rises. pg 88-89 Homework: Standardized Test Prep - pg 99 (1-5)

5 Mrs. Salvi Agenda for October 21, 2014 Science 4 Chapter 2 Test

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