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Years leading to the Revolutionary War Objectives 1) Identify two reasons why American colonists wanted to move towards independence from English rule.

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Presentation on theme: "Years leading to the Revolutionary War Objectives 1) Identify two reasons why American colonists wanted to move towards independence from English rule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Years leading to the Revolutionary War Objectives 1) Identify two reasons why American colonists wanted to move towards independence from English rule. 2) Explain why England enacted harsher rules that lead the Americans to seek independence. 3) Identify 3 actions taken by Americans against those harsher rules enacted by England and explain how each action lead to the Revolutionary War.

2 French/Indian War Treaty of Paris 1763, ends war bt England and France, Fr. Kicked out of Nam. –American Expectations- glad to be English and want to move west into the Ohio Vally –British Feelings- want Americans to help pay for Fr/Ind. War that gave Am.s more land and safety –Fear without France colonists might seek independence –Do you feel Americans should pay taxes to England to help pay for the Fr/Ind. War?

3 Stamp Act this act set off Americans into believing that England is taking away their rights Tax on all printed goods, 1 st tax in colonies where the money went to England –Affected lawyers and sailors Why is this a problem? English view- Americans should HELP pay debt for French/Indian War American view- No taxation without Representation –right to tax=to right to take property Property=liberty –Should Americans have been given the right to vote in English elections? Would that have changed anything?

4 Stamp Act Repealed (taken away without ever collecting a $) –Americans take to the streets and threaten tax collectors, riot, boycott English goods, and colonial government unite and write to the King about their unhappiness Do you feel the colonists were right to go to such extreme methods to repeal the Stamp Act? Stamp Act repealed by King –Americans happy to be English (WHY?) Declaratory Act- replaces Stamp Act, says England can make any law, at any time in the future ?Who won this battle? Colonists or England

5 Boston Tea Party Tea Act- tax on tea that actually lowers price of tea (by giving the BR. East India CO. a monopoly to sell tea in colonies –Seen as a trick to violate “No taxation w/out Representation Boston Tea Party- Sons of Liberty (protest group) dress as NAm. and dump thousands of pounds of tea into Boston Harbor –Seen by England as a violent act of disobedience Intolerable Acts- passed by Eng. To punish Boston for BTP –Quartering Act- Br. Soldiers can be forcibly housed in peoples homes –Explain if Eng. should have punished Boston or have instead let the BTP go unpunished?

6 1st Continental Congress (Sept 1774)- colonies meet to discuss how they should react to the Intolerable Acts Why should the other colonies care if Boston/Mass. was punished? Three Aims of Convention –Basis of American Rights-Natural Rights –Limit of Parliamentary Power- Parl. can not tax the colonies any longer –Resistance (How should the colonies resist the Intolerable Acts?) Boycott- stop buying Eng. goods Armed Militias- arm the people to fight just in case war breaks out –*Colonies want a return to Benign Neglect, not independence ? How is England going to react? ?How would it be different if the colonies did not arm themselves?

7 Lexington and Concord- 1 st shots fired that starts the Revolutionary War 700 Br. Troops sent to Concord to seize weapons meant for militia (Paul Revere rides) Lexington- 1 st shots bt US and Eng (8 Am.s dead) Concord- 2 nd battle (Americans use “Indian”/Guerilla tactics) –Casualties (Br- 275, US- 95) –Why is this event called the “Shot Heard Around the World?”

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