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THE DAY OF INFAMY DECEMBER 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Plane.

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2 THE DAY OF INFAMY DECEMBER 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor from the Cockpit of a Japanese Plane

3 Events Before War Is Declared Made TN join the Civil War Made the US go to war with the Spanish Made the US enter WWI Hmmm…what would make America enter the WWII?

4 Japan v.s. the US Japan needed____________ to fight the war with China. The US stopped all oil sales in July of 1941 with Japan

5 Japan wanted to conquer the Philippines, a U.S. Colony. HOWEVER, if they did, they were sure to be attacked by the Hawaiian fleet at Pearl Harbor.


7 Pearl Harbor Harvard Graduate and US Navy Japanese Flag Kamikaze: Japanese suicide missions General Yamamoto planned Pearl Harbor.

8 Japanese take off


10 Pearl Harbor “This Is No Drill”—Sunday Morning Dec. 7 th, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked the Naval Base on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu Dec. 7 th, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked the Naval Base on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu At 7:55 am (1 st Wave), the Japanese carried out a “surprise” attack on American warships At 7:55 am (1 st Wave), the Japanese carried out a “surprise” attack on American warships 8:40-(2 nd Wave) 8:40-(2 nd Wave) Target-Air Craft Carriers-but all 3 were at sea on a training exercise Target-Air Craft Carriers-but all 3 were at sea on a training exercise

11 Causalities 2,335 Servicemen Killed 68 Civilians Killed 1,143 Servicemen Wounded 35 Civilians Wounded _______________ 3, 581 USA Causalities 110 minutes-over 32 per min. 65 Japanese Killed/1 Captured

12 Statistics (7:55-9:45)-(CT 2:00 pm) The attack was just two hours (110 mins.) All eight battleships were put out of commission. 11-other ships were destroyed Destroyed US Airfields- 347 The Arizona

13 Pearl Harbor



16 USS Arizona-8 Battleships

17 USS Arizona Burning: 1,100+ servicemen died on the ship USS Arizona Burning: Bomb Hit the Magazine Room


19 A date which will live in infamy! Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941


21 USS Arizona, Pearl Harbor





26 FDR Signs the War Declaration

27 Japan: After attacking Pearl Harbor, the Japanese seized the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, Hong Kong, Malaya, Burma and the Dutch East Indies.


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