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EMERGING TENSIONS U.S. History September 25 / 26, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EMERGING TENSIONS U.S. History September 25 / 26, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMERGING TENSIONS U.S. History September 25 / 26, 2014

2 LESSON TITLE: EMERGING TENSIONS Objective: Students will be able to analyze the various factors contributing to the significance of the 13 Colonies by reviewing knowledge learned and interpret rising tensions prior to the push for independence. Purpose: To review what we have learned and clear up any misconceptions or confusion and to understand the changing of ideology. Standard: 1.2 - Students will compare lifestyles in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies according to race, class, and gender by utilizing one of the big 11 social studies skills. Historical Thinking Skill: Analysis & Synthesis

3 WARM-UP: CNN STUDENT NEWS TIME LIMIT: 10 MINUTES Write down facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts. Example: The Sky = This is NOT a fact. The Sky is Blue = This IS a fact.

4 WARM-UP: When does a person stop being human?

5 ACTIVITY: LECTURE / DISCUSSION TENSIONS IN THE NEW WORLD Rising Tensions. Native American. Relocation – Westward. Colonial Expansion. French. Colonists desired more land. Intruded on French Claimed Territory Ohio River. Strategic body of water. Religious. Protestants. Church of England. Jews. Catholics. Presbyterians. Quakers. Lutherans. Methodists. Baptists. Etc. Reorganization, independence, and new formations.

6 ACTIVITY: LECTURE / DISCUSSION [CONT.] The Great Awakening. Ministers and Congregationalists believed that the colonists had fallen away from the faith of their Puritan ancestors. Revival of faith in the colonies. Itinerant – Traveling Preachers. Effects: Dissent – Individuals could act on their own faith, without relying on a minister or other authority. The GA did not happen all at once nor were people aware of it. Ideology. What is ideology? 1. A system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy. 2. The science of ideas; the study of their origin and nature. Ideology changes with the times.

7 ASSESSMENT: THE 13 ENGLISH COLONIES – REVIEW 1. Label each colony. 2. Shade in each region: New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies 3. Label: New York City. Boston. 4. Paste onto a blank sheet of notebook paper in your folder/binder. 5. Textbook, Pages 34 & 75

8 CLOSURE: CHAPTER 3.4 ASSESSMENT Turn to page 93 in the textbook. Answer question #1 : What conditions in the colonies encouraged settlers to have large families and prompted immigrants to come to America? Write underneath your notes/warm-up. You will need to use pages 89-93 in the textbook. Write a 2-4 sentence response.

9 HOMEWORK / EXTRA CREDIT Acknowledgement of Course Expectations. Due September 26, 2014. 50 points Extra Credit Opportunity: Bring in 1 new & unopened tissue box to receive 5 points of extra credit. You can only bring in 1 (one) tissue box PER QUARTER !

10 EXIT SLIP / TICKET OUT OF THE DOOR Write down 4 things you have learned from Chapter 2 and/or 3.

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