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EUnetHTA Joint Action 2010–2012 | EUnetHTA Joint action 2010-2012 Sharing expertise and efforts Iris Pasternack, research officer, FINOHTA.

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Presentation on theme: "EUnetHTA Joint Action 2010–2012 | EUnetHTA Joint action 2010-2012 Sharing expertise and efforts Iris Pasternack, research officer, FINOHTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUnetHTA Joint Action 2010–2012 | EUnetHTA Joint action 2010-2012 Sharing expertise and efforts Iris Pasternack, research officer, FINOHTA European Patients’ Forum Spring Seminar on HTA 18 May 2010 Brussels

2 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 2 What is EUnetHTA? European network for HTA 2006-2008 EUnetHTA project 2009 EUnetHTA Collaboration 2010-2012 Joint Action between European Commission and EU Member States –A total of 33 government appointed organisations from 23 EU Member States and Norway and a large number of relevant regional agencies and non-for- profit organisations that produce or contribute to HTA

3 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 3 Partner EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | EUnetHTA Joint Action Associated Partners EUnetHTA Collaboration Founding Partners EUnetHTA Project Associated Partners Partner A Venn Diagram to illustrate the transition from EUnetHTA Project Associate Partnership to EUnetHTA Collaboration Founding Partnership to Joint Action Associate Partnership

4 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 4 Why EUnetHTA? Double work could be avoided –Example: cancer drugs Relevance of HTA can be improved –Example: patient perspective in surgery for severe obesity Quality of HTA can be improved –Example: pool of experts

5 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 5 Stakeholder Forum Plenary Assembly (policy setting) Secretariat reporting control reporting control reporting support/control coordination / exchange of info Determine activities Work Package EU Institutions info Executive Committee (strategic planning of activities) Work Package Work Package Work Package Work Package Work Package Work Package Work Package info

6 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 6 What is HTA Core Model? An online-tool for HTA-developers Contains –structure for HTA generation and reporting –advice on methodologies What is new? Information is split into elements

7 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 7 1. Health problem and current use of technology 2. Description and technical characteristics 3. Safety 4. Clinical effectiveness 5. Costs and economic evaluation 6. Ethical analysis 7. Organisational aspects 8. Social aspects 9. Legal aspects Domains of the HTA Core Model

8 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 8 Social aspects Topic 1: Major life areas Topic 2: Individual Topic 3: Communication Which social areas does the use of the technology influence? Who are the important others that the use of the technology may affect in addition to the patient? What kind of support and resources are needed or might be released as the technology is put to use? What kinds of changes does the use of the technology generate in the patient's role in the major life areas? What kind of changes does the implementation and use of the technology mean for the patients physical and psychological functioning in his or her major life areas? How do patients and important others react and act upon the technology? What is patients' and important others’ knowledge and understanding of the technology? How is the information regarding the use of the technology processed and exchanged? What are the consequences in decision making?

9 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 9 Social aspects Topic 1: Major life areas Issue 1: Which social areas does the use of the technology influence? Issue 2: Who are the important others that the use of the technology may affect in addition to the patient? Issue 3: What kind of support and resources are needed or might be released as the technology is put to use? Issue 4: What kinds of changes does the use of the technology generate in the patient's role in the major life areas? Issue 5: What kind of changes does the implementation and use of the technology mean for the patients physical and psychological functioning in his or her major life areas?

10 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 10 Social aspects Topic 2: Individual Issue 6: How do patients and important others react and act upon the technology? Topic 3: Communication Issue 7: What is patients' and important others’ knowledge and understanding of the technology? Issue 8: How is the information regarding the use of the technology processed and exchanged? Issue 9: What are the consequences in decision making?

11 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 11 How to get involved with EUnetHTA? EUnetHTA Stakeholder Forum Public consultations on deliverables and certain documents Targeted inquiries on specific subjects emerging from the work performed in the EUnetHTA JA Work Packages Stakeholder Involvement online area within the EUnetHTA website will be developed during 2010

12 EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012EUnetHTA | European network for Health Technology Assessment | www.eunethta.euJoint Action 2010–2012 12 EUnetHTA Collaboration: how to ensure continuity? Focus on methodology but ALSO on a working process (i.e. developing practical tools) Strong emphasis on the management and organisational support structures for co-operation Stakeholder involvement, openness to dialogue and inclusiveness Attention to the policy processes in European healthcare Continuous attention to delivering a unique and added value to partners and users

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