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Cost Efficacious Hip Fracture Care: preventing the fracture transforming the care SHA Guidance Day 2009 Prof. Keith Willett National Clinical Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Cost Efficacious Hip Fracture Care: preventing the fracture transforming the care SHA Guidance Day 2009 Prof. Keith Willett National Clinical Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cost Efficacious Hip Fracture Care: preventing the fracture transforming the care SHA Guidance Day 2009 Prof. Keith Willett National Clinical Director for Trauma Care

2 Hip Fractures: national perspective Hip fractures – 87% of total cost of all fragility fractures – top 10 HRGs 1.2 million NHS bed days per year £426 million per year acute care –£13 million per PCT acute care –£50 million on-going care £2.0 billion total care cost 2 FRAGILITY FRACTURES

3 Quality Improvement and Cost Effectiveness International published evidence supports a 4-7 day reduction in length of stay –Every pre-op day compounds to 2-3 days –Reduced mobility and muscle strength –Faster and enhanced rehabilitation –Fewer medical problems chest / urinary infections –Earlier, more appropriate referral to Social Care Supported by UK experience (NHS Institute) Inexplicable variation in length of spell and superspell 3 FRAGILITY FRACTURES

4 What the NHFD told us in 2008? Inexplicable range for time to surgery from 36% to 92% within 48 hours “I don’t believe the sun should set twice on a hip fracture”

5 What the NHFD told us in 2008? zero to 100% Medical preoperative assessments vary from zero to 100% 25% of patients have none

6 What the NHFD told us in 2008? Secondary prevention is generally POOR Bone Health Falls

7 Length of stay – Spell variation SUPERSPELL median 28 days Range 17 – 40 days

8 £493,665 BEDS RELEASED IF LIKE TOP 25% 300,000 £75,000,000

9 DH Health Economic Assessment 2008/9 £17,688,000 per NHS day saved nationally 9 FRAGILITY FRACTURES Excludes any effect of improved outcomes on social care dependency costs

10 Improved Quality of Care................ and it just happens to be cheaper!

11 Commissioning the Integrated Hip Fracture Care Pathway, joint PCT, PBC, Acute Trust workshop:  The Strategic Commissioner for Social Care  Commissioning Manager and Lead Commissioner for Older Peoples Services in the PCTs  Directorate Manager and Lead Clinicians for the Orthopaedics and Geriatric Services  Primary Care Practice Based Commissioners NCDs for Older People and Trauma Care NHS Institute, RCP Audit, PbR, NHFD 11 FRAGILITY FRACTURES

12 Deriving the Integrated Hip Fracture Care Pathway joint PCT / Social Care + Acute Trust workshops: Pre-hospital Emergency Department Pre-operative medical and surgical assessment Anaesthesia Surgery – timing and capacity Peri-operative care Assessment of rehabilitation potential Bone health assessment and Falls risk MDT link for secondary and primary care Social Care.............. form an FOFFF group 12 FRAGILITY FRACTURES

13 System Reform for Older People DH Systematic approach to falls and fracture care & prevention: four key objectives 04 June 2016 Stepwise implementation Objective 1: Improve outcomes and improve efficiency of care after hip fractures – by following the 6 “Blue Book” standards Hip fracture patients Objective 2: Respond to the first fracture, prevent the second – through Fracture Liaison Services in acute and primary care Non-hip fragility fracture patients Objective 3: Early intervention to restore independence – through falls care pathway linking acute and urgent care services to secondary falls prevention Individuals at high risk of 1 st fragility fracture or other injurious falls Objective 4: Prevent frailty, preserve bone health, reduce accidents – through preserving physical activity, healthy lifestyles and reducing environmental hazards Older people Hip fracture patients

14 System Reform for Older People Fracture Prevention : the economic case Each hip fracture NHS treatment cost - £9000 Average Acute Trust treats 350 hip fractures 16% reduction in hip fractures over 3 years: –6% from previous hip fractures –10% from non-hip fractures What would you pay for a fracture prevention programme?................ 25% of that

15 Phase II: prevention..... accept financial (political) return will be in the medium to long-term Hang the prevention strategies on the hip fracture initiative Integrate Falls and Bone Health (osteoporosis) assessments –1 st fracture clinic follow-up appointment -Falls services linked to primary care / residential care / ambulance services / patient discharge 15 FRAGILITY FRACTURES Objective 2: Respond to the first fracture, preven the second – through Fractur Liaison Services in acute and primary care Non-hip fragility fracture patients

16 But it’s held my weight for years

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