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Keeping Track: Service Learning and Community Service Hours Erin Gaertner West Virginia Campus Compact.

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Track: Service Learning and Community Service Hours Erin Gaertner West Virginia Campus Compact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Track: Service Learning and Community Service Hours Erin Gaertner West Virginia Campus Compact

2 Why is it important to track hours?  Hours need to be verified for awards (Presidential Service Award) or for court order restitution (community service).  To create a SL/community service resume for students  To report impact of service for school administration, grants, public officials, press releases  Creates a baseline for measurements of increased participation and sustainability  For the Campus Compact National survey

3 Things to consider when choosing a program to track hours…

4 Things to consider... What do we need? How will we use it?  Will it be used for service learning or community service?  How many functions will it need to perform besides counting hours?  Will it be used campus wide? How many students?  How many administrators will need access?  Are service sites willing to participate?  Who will be responsible for program use and operation?

5 Other benefits  All aspects of volunteer management  Post and find volunteer opportunities  Can be used by service sites  Generate data  Keep a volunteer pool for upcoming projects and trips  Information is stored safely and easily accessible  A way for VISTAs to implement a positive and sustainable entity on their campus

6 Using a Paid Service  If a higher level of customization is needed, is there money available to subscribe to a more advanced service?  Where will this money come from?  How much can your school or department afford?  How long will that money be guaranteed for?  Many offer free trials, sign up!

7 Implementing Use Before After  Is this something your campus needs?  How can it be useful?  Who will be responsible for training, use, instruction and maintenance?  How will it be paid for?  What is the plan to ensure that the service will actually be used?  Make reporting hours using the service mandatory and make sure this requirement is clear  Provide training on how to sign in and enter hours  Create FAQs to help students as well as utilizing the system’s help desk  Evaluate and report failures or successes of hours reported

8 Services available  Volgistics   Paid  Service Learning Pro  http://www.servicelearning http://www.servicelearning  Paid  Sweat Monkey  http://www.sweatmonkey. org/ http://www.sweatmonkey. org/  Free  Volunteer West Virginia  http://www.volunteerwv.o rg/ http://www.volunteerwv.o rg/  Free

9  OrgSync   Paid  My Service Log  http://www.myservicelog.c om/ http://www.myservicelog.c om/  Paid  Ebase  e e  Free  Volunteer Spot  http://www.volunteerspot. com/ http://www.volunteerspot. com/  Free, accepts donations from larger organizations

10  Volunteer Matters  http://www.volunteermatt http://www.volunteermatt  Paid

11 Example  How did Shepherd University decide they needed this service and what factors led to their choice? How is it working for them so far?

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