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Sockets and Ports …for dummies Kramer Ritchie Matthew lowery Devon bercegeay.

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1 Sockets and Ports …for dummies Kramer Ritchie Matthew lowery Devon bercegeay

2 PORTS ports are 16-bit numbers between 0 and 65535 assigned to a particular TCP/IP secession :80

3 Sockets …Not that kind of socket used as a unique address required by A tcp/ip communication process A socket is a process’s port number plus its host machine’s IP address

4 TCP/IP Protocol Connection-oriented subprotocolEnsures reliable data delivery


6 Well-known Ports Table 4-3 Commonly used TCP/IP port numbers Range 0-1023 Use Operating system or Administra tive

7 Registered Ports Port number range: 1024 to 49151less administrative privileges

8 Dynamic Ports Port number range: 49152 – 65535 Also known as private ports

9 Open/listening port Responds to any IP Packets destined for a specific port number Shows that port is ready for packets

10 Netstat - AN


12 sockets Socket Pair Stored in RAM Keeps track of status of communication

13 Sockets :80 Host Computer’s IP Address: Port Number: Socket:

14 Why is this necessary? The two computers communicating need to know: where to send information where to receive information

15 NEtstat The Netstat utility allows users to see who their computers are connected to by viewing their sockets

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