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Northwest Regional Partnership Increasing Trainers, Evaluators and Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Northwest Regional Partnership Increasing Trainers, Evaluators and Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northwest Regional Partnership Increasing Trainers, Evaluators and Faculty

2 Capacity: Faculty Shortage  Purpose and Outcomes  Increase availability of CNA instructors in our region and CNA course offerings  4 instructors in SVCC region. 3 at SVCC, 1 at vocational center  Retirements looming  Instructors working more than desired

3  Regional players started meeting April 2005  SVCC, IVCC and BHC deans/directors/faculty  WIA representatives  CNA chosen due to:  Ease of implementation  Need Implementation

4 CNA Evening Coop  All programs submitted syllabi, course outlines and schedules  Content Topic  Compared between the 3 schools  Considered:  IDPH guidelines  Text book  Catalog descriptions  Based on all of this information, a course outline and schedule for the cooperative was created  All current CNA faculty reviewed the proposal  Approved through college curriculum committees  Approved by IDPH

5 Collaboration  Nursing personnel must take the lead  Small group dynamic – everyone must take on a role  Open minds/open communication  Schedule meetings for the semester to assure time allotment  Lots of e-mails  Contractual Agreements  Technology folks

6 Funding/Resources  Advertising is key  Scholarships for future faculty  Technology funding  CSSI representatives very cooperative  WIA eligible clients/need names  Also open to non-WIA participants  Met via distance learning

7 Where we are now  Evening CNA cooperative currently in session – distance learning between 3 sites  Working the bugs out for class  Discovered Differences:  Scheduling  Reading requirements  Communication with students

8 Progressing with:  Train the Trainer offering  Dates/times/location finalized  Advertising for potential faculty  Advance for Nursing magazine  Local letters  Local newspapers  Scholarship criteria:  Must teach for one of the community colleges represented

9 Next Steps  CNA Cooperative Fine Tuning  Reading/math assessment  CNA Handbook  ESL Issues  Repetition of evening cooperative offering  Retention  All levels

10 Evaluation  CNA  Student success  Student evaluations  Number of WIA clients served  Train the Trainer  Number of completers  Number available to each school for future growth

11 Discoveries  WIA requirements are limiting in nature  Nursing personnel must take the lead  Regional coordinator never found  Blessed with faculty member willing to do more\  Became project coordinator  For reimbursement:  Based on percentage of WIA clients  Submit copies of receipts for equipment/supplies purchased  Attach copies of employee time sheets

12 Discoveries continued  Tutoring services  Maintain time sheet  Document names  Reimbursed for any one-on-one time with WIA client  Pro-rated if group setting

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