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A Short History of the PARTNERSHIP WITH THE EC IN your region Pierre Harzé, Brussels.

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1 A Short History of the PARTNERSHIP WITH THE EC IN your region Pierre Harzé, Brussels

2 EC/RBEC Meuro Ongoing contracts : 91 Meuro

3 EC/Region Meuro Ongoing : 50 Meuro

4 Countries

5 To do WHAT??? 51 Contracts signed since 1997 for a total amount of 120 MEuro BH : Recovery / Short term employment / Returnees / Municipal Capacity Building CYP: Public Works – Rehabilitation / Support SME / Demining / Governance SM : Short term employment / Municipal capacity building / Small Arms BUL : Short term employment / Municipal Capacity building / Pov Red / Minorities CRO : Economical Recovery of war affected area

6 To do WHAT??? TUR: Recovery earthquake / Support Private Sector-SM KOS: Short Term employment / Municipal Capacity Building / Governance Alb : Small Arms / Demining / Governance / Election

7 97-2000 BH : 7 contracts Public works / Short term employment and Reintegration Returnees (25 Meuro) Kosovo : 3 contracts Public works / short term employment ( 9.5 Meuro ) Bulgaria : 2 contracts BB Public works / short term employment (7.5 Meuro )

8 2000-2004 Cyprus : 11 contracts Public works / Rehabilitation Reintegration Returnees / Support private sector / demining / (24 Meuro) Serbia : 6 contracts Public works / Municipal capacity building / PRSP / small arms ( 12 Meuro ) BH : 4 contracts Municipal Capacity building / returnees (8 Meuro)

9 “To strengthen the partnership between the EC and UNDP both at a policy level and an operational level. We act as ‘the go-between’ between our network of country offices in the developing countries and the European Institutions.” ROLE OF UNDP LIAISON OFFICE, BRUSSELS

10 Services : assistance in -Lobbying for your projects at the EC -Preparation of the concept paper -Preparation of the contract (type of contract / budget proposal etc..) -Administrative follow-up until contract signed -Reporting procedures -Problem solving ROLE OF UNDP LIAISON OFFICE, BRUSSELS

11 Brussels Liaison Office ( Director Omar Bakhet) Tel 32 2 505 46 26 ROLE OF UNDP LIAISON OFFICE, BRUSSELS

12 10 RECOMMENDATIONS For Establishing Fruitful Collaboration With The EC 1)Be aware that we are not alone in trying to raise funds from the EC (private / NGO /other UN agencies) 2)Be aware that the EC will not prioritise collaboration with UNDP. 3)Try to have a clear understanding of their constraints, priorities and needs. 4)Try to avoid a « we know best » approach. 5)Try to involve the Delegation / EAR in the preparation of the project from the very beginning of the process.

13 10 RECOMMENDATIONS For Establishing Fruitful Collaboration With The EC 6-Be aware that you will sign a contract and that we will have to stick to the terms of the contract i.e. a legally binding document. 7-Be aware that the host government is becoming an unavoidable actor especially in your region. 8-Make the EC’s obsession with visibility your own obsession. 9-Try to forget the usual UN blah-blah in the documents that you present to the EU. Try to be as concrete as possible in the outputs. 10-The project will be judged at the end of the day mainly by the quality of your financial and substantive reporting.

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