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Presentation on theme: "OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 20121 UPSTATE FRESHWATER INSTITUTE."— Presentation transcript:


2 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 20122

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11 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201211 Summer average TP = 20 µg/L

12 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201212 minor bloom > 15 µg/L Summer average Chl-a = 6.5 µg/L

13 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201213

14 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201214

15 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201215

16 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201216 summer average = 2.0 meters

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18 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201218

19 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201219 Nitrate – hypolimnetic composite Soluble reactive phosphorus – 15 meter sample

20 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201220 Percent of monthly geometric means <200 cfu/100ml

21 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201221

22 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201222  Metro 001 Outfall was in full compliance with ammonia and phosphorus limits  Tributaries were largely in compliance with AWQS, with the following noteworthy exceptions:  Excursions of the standard for fecal coliform bacteria were widespread  Water quality standards for pH, ammonia, and nitrite were exceeded at Allied East Flume  Water quality conditions at South Deep met most standards, with the following exceptions:  Dissolved oxygen in the lower waters  Total dissolved solids  Nitrite (at 12 meters on 2 dates)  The standard for fecal coliform bacteria was exceeded at a single nearshore sampling site near the mouth of Onondaga Creek

23 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201223

24 Meteorological Conditions OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201224

25 Total Phosphorus and Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Upper Waters OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201225 Summer average = 21 µg/L (to date) Summer average = 5.2 µg/L (to date)

26 Compliance with SPDES Permit Limits OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201226

27 Secchi Disk Transparency OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201227 Summer average = 2.0 m (to date)

28 Dissolved Oxygen Patterns OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201228

29 Regulation of Sediment P Release by Nitrate OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201229

30 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201230 Assessing Compliance with the AWQS for Fecal Coliform Bacteria Percent of monthly geometric means <200 cfu/100ml (April-August 2012)

31 Assessing Compliance with the Swimming Safety Guidance Value (Secchi disk >4 ft. or 1.2 m) OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201231 April-August 2012

32 Time Series of Specific Conductance - 2012 Values Versus 10-Year Average OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201232

33 Chloride and Total Dissolved Solids Concentrations in the Metro Effluent OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201233

34 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201234 Color Contours of Specific Conductance and Nitrate - Near the Metro Outfall

35 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201235 Color Contours of Specific Conductance and Nitrate - at South Deep

36 Recent Vertical Profiles at South Deep OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201236

37 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201237

38 Time Series of Fecal Coliform Counts in Onondaga Creek, 1998-2011 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201238

39 Annual Average Fecal Coliform Counts - Onondaga Creek OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201239 Dry weather defined as less than 0.08 inches of rainfall over the preceding 60 hours

40 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201240  Trend analysis is complicated by extreme temporal variability (>5 orders of magnitude), uneven intensity of sampling, and potential effects from multiple management actions (gray and green infrastructure projects)  A more rigorous analysis will be included in the 2012 AMP Report  1998-2012 data: Onondaga Creek, Harbor Brook, Ley Creek, Ninemile Creek  Conduct power analyses to establish realistic expectations  Consider trends other than monotonic trends (e.g., step changes)  Assess seasonal variations  Look at alternate thresholds for dry and wet weather conditions  Explore potential covariates (e.g., flow, temperature, phosphorus)

41 OLTAC Meeting - Oct. 31, 201241  Appropriate application of the AWQS for fecal coliform bacteria  Sampling frequency  Wet weather samples NYSDEC Water Quality Standard for Fecal Coliforms: “The monthly geometric mean, from a minimum of five examinations, shall not exceed 200 per 100 mL”

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