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New EMIS Coordinator Training 12/13/13 Presenters: Brenda Hartley – OMERESA EMIS Support Tammy Hrosch – MDECA EMIS Services Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "New EMIS Coordinator Training 12/13/13 Presenters: Brenda Hartley – OMERESA EMIS Support Tammy Hrosch – MDECA EMIS Services Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 New EMIS Coordinator Training 12/13/13 Presenters: Brenda Hartley – OMERESA EMIS Support Tammy Hrosch – MDECA EMIS Services Manager

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3  The EMIS Coordinator  Main contact for district  Receive all EMIS mailings  Ensure data is collected and reported in accordance with the ODE EMIS Manual  Responsible for the timely submission of accurate data  Collect, verify, and disseminate information  Review reports and provide feedback 3

4  EMIS data originates from a number of sources  Much of your student data will come from your local student information system  Each district/community school functions differently, responsibility for entering data varies with each district  Not all sources apply to all districts, many districts have one person covering multiple areas  Get to know the people that “own” the data in your district  Not all potential sources for Information are listed 4

5  Assistant EMIS coordinator  Building secretary  District coordinators  Other building sources  Administrative staff  Other helpful staff 5

6  Assistant EMIS coordinator  Provides back up support for the EMIS Coordinator  Works closely with the collection and verification of data  Building Secretary  Secretaries are often your main source for data  Enter and maintain the data in the student software 6

7  Special Education Coordinator & Special Education Teacher  Responsible for IEP events, verify for accuracy  Verify disability code and testing status  Review ODE reports  Testing Coordinator  Students tested, verify scores, enter data  Review accountability reports in Secure Data Center and other ODE reports  Additional testing other than state required 7

8  Curriculum Coordinator  Core subjects, qualified teachers, certified teachers  Verify Third Grade Reading Guarantee data  Gifted Coordinator  Screening, assessment, identified, served  Community schools report students that have been identified as gifted  Performance Coach  Community schools often have a Performance Coach that coordinates several different areas  SOES Coordinator (Community School)  Maintains student enrollment numbers 8

9  Guidance Counselor or Performance Coach  Student schedules, course master records, core subject area, graduation credits  Principal or Community School Director  Discipline data, building data, HQT  Teacher  Class lists, absences, mark, concentrators, certification 9

10  Treasurer  Five-year forecasts and other financial reporting  Funding received for Title I, preschool, tuition, and other financial data  Payroll/Personnel  Main source for staff data, staff demographic and employment records  Superintendent  Sign off on all of the data submitted  Oversee accuracy and timeliness of data 10

11  Cafeteria Manager  Free/Reduced lunch count data  Attendance Officer  Follow up on truant students  Bus Coordinator/Driver  Address verification  Students moving in and out of the district  Technology Coordinator  Update software  Help with importing and exporting data files 11

12  Keep Organized  Be proactive  What and when data needs collected  Who is responsible  Help each other  Provide timelines, check sheets, sign off sheets, email updates, etc.  Verify data before submitting  Verify reports returned from ODE 12

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14  Include LEA Name, IRN, Contact Name, Email Address, Telephone Number  Use OEDS-R to find LEA contact information  Verify that your contact and role information is correct in OEDS-R (this is VERY important!) 14

15  Best practice to email when communicating with your network LEAs  Searchable history of communications  Convenient for both entities  CC yourself and leave copy in your inbox as a reminder until you receive a response 15

16  Compare data of shared students (court placements, open enrollment, JVS, ESC, etc.)  Accurate data will reduce the number of level 2 validation errors  Share graduate information  Your funding and accountability can be impacted by another district’s reporting 16

17  Withdrawal codes, admission codes, SSIDs, dates, IRNs  Ensure that staff are processing records requests properly  Watch for new EMIS guide section on admission and withdrawal guidelines  Accurate dates are critical to avoid overlapping errors in level 2 validations 17

18 “ The burden is on all schools/districts involved to identify the problems, communicate and work together to resolve all concerns in a timely and professional manner.”  SOES Manual- School-Funding/School-Options-Enrollment-System School-Funding/School-Options-Enrollment-System 18

19  Residency Issues  It is not acceptable to “flag” students as non-residents unless the resident district can document information to dispute the residency determination of the community school.  Resident districts are not to impose flags on students in SOES for lack of a POR consistent with the resident district’s policy.  Where there are differences with regards to proof of residency (POR), then the policy of the traditional district or community school in which the student is enrolled prevails. 19

20  Mediators of issue resolution between community schools and resident districts Funding/Finance-Related-Data/School-Finance-Area- Coordinators-Directory 20

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22  Your ITC is your first source of EMIS support  Follow contact procedures as outlined by your ITC (Helpdesk, email, telephone)  ITC will prioritize user issues 22

23  Attend trainings and working sessions provided by your ITC  Communicate your training needs to your ITC  Your ITC website contains training documents and important links 23

24  ODE often disseminates information to LEAs through their ITCs  Confirm that you are listed as the EMIS contact for your district at your ITC  Verify that your contact and role information is correct in OEDS-R to receive direct communications from ODE 24

25  ODE EMIS reports are distributed through ITCs  Find EMIS report explanations on the ODE website  ITCs can assist with understanding and troubleshooting ODE EMIS reports and in resolving data collector errors 25

26  ITCs serve as the liaison between districts and the ODE EMIS office  EMIS covers a lot but not everything  Sometimes you will be told to contact a specific office at ODE for Career Technology, Special Education, Accountability, etc. questions 26

27 EMIS reporting is a team effort. Build your district, inter-district, and ITC networking through effective communications and team work. 27

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