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Published byAlexis Parks Modified over 8 years ago
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 1 ILC Test Facilities Sergei Nagaitsev Fermilab
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 2 International Linear Collider New energy frontier machine proposed for HEP Parameters Electron-Positron Collider E cm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV Luminosity ∫ Ldt = 500 fb -1 in 4 years Energy stability and precision below 0.1% Electron polarization of at least 80% The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 3 Overview The ILC is based upon a Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) linacs of unprecedented scope ( length=23 km, 1680 Cryomodules, 14,560 SRF cavities, 31.5 MV/m) ~30 km
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 4 ILC ML Beam Parameters ParameterValueParameterValue Initial Beam energy15 GeV Initial x 8.4 m Final Beam energy250 GeV Final x 9.4 m Particles per Bunch2 x 10 10 Initial y 24 nm Beam Current9.0 mA Final y 34 nm Bunch Spacing369 ns zz 0.3 mm Bunch train length 969 s Initial E /E 1.5% Number of bunches2625 Final E /E 0.1% Pulse repetition rate5 HzBeam phase wrt RF crest5o5o Average beam power is 11 MW / beam wall plug to beam efficiency is crucial Superconducting RF
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 5 ML basic building block ILC RF Unit: 3 CM, klystron, modulator, LLRF Baseline design now has 2 CM with 9 cavities, 1 CM with 8 cavities + quad
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 6 Issues for ILC linac Key issues for ILC Physics –Machine Energy, Luminosity, Availability Technical Challenges –Achieving high gradient in SRF cavities with a reproducible process –Building cryomodules with these cavities that meet ILC specification –Developing a reliable and efficient RF power source –Transport and focus beams at the IP –Industrialization of high volume components –Cost ! The Global Design Effort is addressing these challenges via a worldwide R&D program with specific goals (see M. Ross’ talk) Key to achieving these goals are evolving ILC Test Facilities, the subject of this talk
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 7 Task Forces S0/S1 – Cavity and cryomodule S2 – RF unit system tests S3 – Damping Rings S4 – Beam Delivery System S5 – Positron Source S6 – Controls and LLRF S7 – RF sources
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 8 Major International Test Facilities Damping Rings –ATF, CESR-TA, KEKB, PEP-ii –S3: Electron cloud; ions; low emittance; kickers Main Linac –FLASH, XFEL, STF, ILC-TA, ESA, Zeuthen Rf unit; heat loads; HOM’s; LLRF; rf sources –S2, S6, S7 BDS –ATF2, ESA S4: FFS & MDI design; Small spot tuning
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 9 Cavity and Cryomodule Goals The GDE has established project wide R&D goals for ILC cavities and cryomodules S0 goal: Establish a process & controls to reliably achieve 35 MV/M in bare cavity tests (80% yield) S1 goal: Complete an ILC Cryomodule with all cavities at working at accelerating gradients >31.5 MV/M (Average)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 10 SCRF Infrastructure Bare cavities –Fabrication facilities (Electron beam welder, QC, etc) –Surface treatment facilities BCP & Electro-polish facilities (EP) –Ultra clean H 2 0 & High Pressure Rinse systems –Vertical Test facilities ( Cryogenics + low power RF) Cavity Dressing Facilities ( cryostat, tuner, coupler) –Class 10/100 clean room –Horizontal Test System (cryogenics and pulsed RF power) String Assembly Facilities –Large class 10/100 clean rooms, Large fixtures Cryo-module test facilities –Cryogenics, pulsed RF power, LLRF, controls, shielding, etc. –Beam tests electron source (RF unit test facilities)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 11 Surface Processing Cavity Fabrication Vertical Testing He Vessel, couplers, tuner HPR or reprocess Horizontal Testing Cold String Assembly Pass! Fail! Cavity/CM process and Testing Plan… Develop in labs then transfer technology to industry
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 12 Damping Rings –The ATF at KEK has or will demonstrate many/most of the outstanding issues Low emittance operation Intra-beam scattering Ion instabilities Instrumentation development –Main outstanding issue is the electron cloud Studies at PEP-II, KEKB, and CESR –Very international program
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 13 ATF Prototype Damping Ring
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 14 ATF Prototype Damping Ring Ongoing effort with effort from SLAC, FNAL, Cornell, and LBNL –ATF has been operating since 1997 –Low emittance beams at 1.3 GeV –Many opportunities: Instrumentation and feedback development Tuning studies Ion instabilities Kicker system demonstrations –Large SLAC involvement since 1992 –Big UK effort with FNAL and Cornell
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 15 Electron Cloud Studies Experimental programs at PEP-II and KEKB –Driven by ILC and Luminosity-factories –Extensive benchmarking of codes –Studies of cloud suppression techniques in dedicated vacuum chambers Coatings and grooves Understanding cloud generation –No plans for a system test which would need rebuilding the vacuum systems System tests at CERN and Frascati
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 16 KEK-B and PEP-II Separate problem: calculate instability threshold and electron cloud generation –Experiments aimed at latter: quantifying techniques to suppress the cloud generation KEK-B E-cloud Tests PEP-ii Sample test PEP-ii Chamber tests
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 17 CESR-TA CESR-TA would be a dedicated DR test facility –Positron beams test techniques to suppress electron cloud generation –Study effect in wigglers where expected to be most important Needs further consideration
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 18 Linac Test Facilities S0/S1 is coordinating the cavity development S2 provided advice on Linac System Tests –Regional programs: STF, ILCTA-NML, FLASH –Scoped at the 1 to 2 rf unit level –XFEL will also demonstrate many systems level issues Plans for rf systems tests –ESA and Zeuthen
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 19 S2 Task Force
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 20 S2 Questions Single rf unit tests: –Check what gradient spread can be handled by the LLRF system. –Check for heating due to high frequency HOMs. –Check amplitude and phase stability of the RF with respect to the beam. –Check static and dynamic heat loads Other tests: –Beam dynamics cannot be tested reasonably –Statistical effects like reliability and dark current are hard
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 21 DESY R&D Activities Cavity R&D –9 cell TESLA shape (baseline for ILC) –Electropolishing development –Large grain Nb, hydroformed Cryomodule and RF power Development TTFII/Flash ~ RF unit test facility for XFEL Industrialization of SRF technology Europe The TESLA collaboration centered at DESY developed the SRF technology adopted for ILC. DESY is the world leader
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 22 TTFII/FLASH/XFEL (DESY) TTFII/FLASH –TTFII: was originally a test facility for TESLA (ILC) –TTFII SRF linac now drives VUV-FEL (FLASH) providing light for BES users –Machine time still available as ILC test facility XFEL (European Project) –Recently approved for construction at DESY –20 GeV SRF linac driven light source DESY Facilities (ramping up in support of XFEL) –Cavity fabrication, processing, test facility upgrades –Cryomodule fabrication industrial training for XFEL Europe
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 23 FLASH Overview 250 m Laser RF gun Bunch Compressor Undulators Collimator Bunch Compressor Bypass5 MeV127 MeV370 MeV700 MeV Accelerating StructuresDiagnostics Europe Photon user Experiments
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 24 FLASH uses TESLA CM’s Europe
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 25 Performance of Recent CM #7 Recent CM experience –CM 6 had 5 cavities over 30 MV/M ( but 2 went down WRT HTS) –CM 7 had 6 of 8 cavities above 30 MV/M ( encouraging) Europe
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 26 TTFII/FLASH ILC related performance: –Operations: 13% unscheduled down time (mostly RF sys) –Phase stability: 0.14 o of 1.3 GHz or 300 fs –dE/E = 2.4 10 -4 measured at 127 MeV Plans: –Add 6 th CM, beam energy 1 GeV/c –Improve electron gun (reduce dark current) –Add 3 rd harmonic CM (FNAL), doubles FEL light output FLASH operations, ILC studies, Construct XFEL !!! –~30% of time is available for Accel dev and ILC R&D Europe
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 27 XFEL RF Test Facility
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 28 STF (Asia) Superconducting Test Facility (STF) –Location: KEK, Japan –Purpose: General SRF test facility in support of the ILC –Status: Under construction Facilities –Cavity fabrication, processing, test –ILC module fabrication –ILC module test facility –Plan: Evolve into RF unit test facility Asia
Cryomodule Assembly EP Facility HPR Klystron Gallery Control Room Refrigerator STF Facility KEK Clean Rooms
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 30 STF (Superconducting Test Facility)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 31 STF (Superconducting Test Facility)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 32 STF R&D Activities ( Asia) Cavity R&D –9 cell TESLA shape (baseline for ILC) –9 cell Ichiro cavities (goal = higher Eacc) –Seamless cavities (hydroformed) –Single cell EP R&D Cryomodule & RF Power development ILC RF unit test facility Industrialization of SRF technology Asia
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 33 Cavity R&D at KEK 4 Tesla Shape cavities Processed and vertical tested 3 cavities achieved ~20 MV/m 1 achieved 30 MV/m, installed in CM Performance limited by field emission 4 Ichiro cavities Reentrant design lowers B at fixed Eacc Single cells: 6 examples all > 40 MV/M But… so far 9 cells are only 12-20 MV/M Limited by multipacting in end groups End groups removed 1 achieved 29 MV/M One 19 MV/m Ichiro cavity installed in CM Asia 40 EP
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 34 STF Plan Phase 1 (2005-07) Develop SRF cavities & infrastructure –Two types of cavities: TESLA and Ichiro (35 45 MV/m) –Start with two 4 M cryostats (access to STF tunnel) –1 cavity in each short cryostat Now ! –4 cavities in each short cryostat Sep 2007 –Improved cavities Apr 2008 Phase 2 (2008 – 10) Develop ILC Main Linac RF unit –Built Cryomodule test facility –CM Fabrication 2009-10 –Build RF power test infrastructure now-2010 –RF unit test 2011 In parallel with phase 1,2 –GDE S0 task force (demonstrate 35 MV/M gradient) –Industrialization Asia
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 35 Plan of STF Phase 2 beam line ~36m ~65m Toshiba Asia Phase 2 Beam ( 2011) –2 SC beam capture cavities –RF gun, ( collab with FNAL) –Bunch charge, structure, and current similar to ILC Existing Short Cryomodules
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 36 R&D Activities (Americas) Cavity R&D –9 cell TESLA shape (baseline for ILC) –Large grain Nb (TJNL, FNAL) –Electropolishing (Cornell, TJNL, ANL/FNAL) Cryomodule design & fabrication (FNAL) RF power development (SLAC) ILC RF unit test facility (FNAL) Industrialization just starting
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 37 U.S. Cavity R&D = National effort Vertical EP Cornell ANL: New clean rooms, state-of-the-art EP FNAL: New Vertical Test Facility TESTED 1 st cavity on 07/24/07 ANL/FNAL Collaboration JLab Electropolish Several cavities > 30 MV/m in vertical test
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas July 11, 2007 VCTF in Industrial Building 1 Significant cost savings & faster implementation Current replacement value ~$10M Knowledgeable technical staff 4 cryogenic magnet test stands FY06: tested 29 superconducting magnets 3 conventional magnet test stands FY06: tested 21 conventional magnets Cryogenic engineering, data acquisition systems, diagnostic instrumentation, software and data management, etc. Continue to share cryogenic system and IB1 infrastructure with magnet test program Cryogenically demanding LHC magnet production tests are finished VTS pit Existing IB1 cryoplant/infrastructure for Magnet Test Facility (MTF)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas July 11, 2007 VTS Cryostat/Insert Design 16’ heat exchangerphase separator radiation shielding vacuum vessel =42” helium vessel 26.5” cavity Based on Fermilab design of DESY/TTF/VTS Added phase separator for better quality He Cryostat manufactured by PHPK Technologies, Columbus OH 80K shields 5K shield radiation shielding cavity thermal baffles Top plate insert Cryostat fiberglass pit liner
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas July 11, 2007 Cryostat photos September 2006: Cryostat ordered January 2007: He vessel ASME code stamped February 2007: Received at Fermilab March 2007: Temporarily installed April 2007: Permanently installed May 2007: Cryogenic Safety Review May 2007: First cold test and commissioning July 24, 2007: First single-cell cavity tested!!! PHPK Fermilab
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 41 Horizontal Test System (FNAL) After vertical test extensive cavity handling ensues –Cavity welded inside He vessel –Cavity opened to install main coupler –Tuner added Horizontal Test –First test of the cavity with high pulsed RF power –R&D Test bed: tuners (slow), couplers, LLRF, etc. NEW HTS facility is nearly complete at FNAL “Dressing” 1.3 GHz Cavity in HTS Cryostat HTS Cryostat RF Power for HTS
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 42 ILCTA ( FNAL) ILC RF unit test facility Location: Fermilab “New Muon Building” (NML) Goal: Address the GDE “S2 Goals” –Demonstrate a complete ILC RF unit with ILC-like beam –Also crab-cavity R&D, diagnostics development, personnel training, and advanced accelerator R&D. ILC-like beam –3.2 nC/bunch @3 MHz –Up to 3000 bunches @ 5Hz –Bunch length: 300-μm rms –Injector Energy: 30-40 MeV (to avoid over focusing in ILC CM) –To understand CM need “known” beam parameters @ CM entrance and exit good diagnostics
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 43 Location New Muon Lab
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 44 ILCTA_NM (FNAL) 40-50 Mev Injector Well characterized beam Low energy test area (e.g. 3.9 GHz Crab cavities) New bldg for diagnostics & AARD Also houses new large cryo plant Bunch Compressor ILC RF unit Diagnostics Gun CC I,II Laser 3 rd har Test Area ~ 22 M 72 M Existing Building New Building New ILC like tunnel 2 nd ILC RF unit Test Areas new 300 W cryo plant RF Equipment
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 45 Stage 1: 1 st CM (early CY08) Capture cavity 2 in its final location for the injector Type 3+ cryomodule A used 3 MW Klystron, 10 MW, 1.5 ms modulator CC2 RF system
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 46 A0 Photo Injector The A0 Photo Injector built in collaboration with DESY as part of the TESLA collaboration ( essentially a copy of TTFI) In operation since late 90’s Two klystron-based RF systems power the RF Gun & Capture Cavity Built a second capture cavity (CCII) using high gradient DESY cavity A0 RF assets and CCII will be moved to NML in 2008 RF Gun prior to solenoid installation Capture Cavity and beamlineCapture Cavity-II
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 47 ILCTA Plans Effort is Funding limited phased approach Cryomodule delivery –1 st (Type 3+) cryomodule built from “kit” of DESY parts in late 2007 –2 nd (Type 3+) CM – 2008 built with U.S. processed cavities –3 rd (ILC Type 4) CM – 2009 all U.S. components –Replace all three CMs with ILC Type 4+ in FY2010 FY07: Start as a Cryomodule Test Stand FY08: move A0 photoinjector, start civil construction for new bldg FY09: 1 st beam operation, 2-3 CM, low rep rate operations FY10: replace all 3 CM with ILC type CM FY11: install new refrigerator, ILC RF Unit operations Collaboration: DESY, INFN, ANL, Cockroft, NIU, Rochester, KEK
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 48 ILCTA_NML@FNAL NML Building NML: June 07 1 st of 2 refrigerators each 60 W@1.8K FNAL Clean Room & CM assembly Area Parts for 1 st CM at DESY Cavities for 1 st CM @ FNAL
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 49 A facility to test ILC baseline and alternative designs Many groups in the US and world-wide are looking for a place to test their ILC-related designs. –Need beam at 200-800 MeV, need space to set up tests Baseline design: –“Keep alive” positron source (ANL) – SC undulator (Cornell) – Crab-cavity (SLAC, Cockcroft Inst) Alternative designs: –New HOM coupler design (MIT)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 50 Cryomodule Test Stand We know we will need it eventually. …Need by FY2011 Location yet undetermined A 500 sq meters, 32m x 16m, building required. Includes some utility and access space Much larger than a typical Fermilab magnet test stand due to the shielding cave Comparable in scope to Stage-1 of NML Motivations for cryomodule tests –Mechanical checks –Alignment of tubes, flanges, etc. –Leak checks of all volumes –Conditioning of main RF-couplers –Cryo load measurement, Q and Eacc –SC magnet power test –Dark current measurements
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 51 XFEL Module R&D Test Stand From Yury Bozkho, Bernd Petersen (DESY)
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 52 SLAC ESA RF Test Facility L-Band Test Stands: Existing (green), FY07-08 (blue), FY09 (yellow) ESA ESB (NLCTA) LCLS
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 53 Beam Delivery System See Andrei Seryi’s talk tomorrow –The ATF2 at KEK will demonstrate many systems level issues in FFS (and others) FFS optical solutions Beam instrumentation FFS tuning and beam line alignment High availability power supplies SC quadrupoles –The ESA is used to study MDI issues Collimator wakefields IR diagnostics and signals
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 54 ATF2 at KEK Demonstrations of: –Optics design –RF BPMs –Magnets and movers –HA power supplies New final focus ILC like optics at ATF-2
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 55 End Station A at SLAC Collimator design, wakefields (T-480) BPM energy spectrometer (T-474) Synch Stripe energy spectrometer (T-475) IP BPMs, kickers EMI (electro-magnetic interference) IR Mockup 3 runs thus far expect 3 more through FY08 Schedule beyond FY08 is not clear
July 25, 2007 Fermilab ILC School Americas Slide 56 Summary The International Linear Collider will employ an SRF linac of unprecedented scope Cavities & Cryomodules are cost drivers for ILC There are many issues to be addressed to demonstrate the required performance for ILC All three regions have mounted large R&D programs to explore these issues Extensive infrastructure is needed to support this R&D and ILC industrialization Large scale RF unit test facilities are a key Lots of progress & ambitious plans
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