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2006 Paul VanRaden, John Cole, and George Wiggans Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD

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Presentation on theme: "2006 Paul VanRaden, John Cole, and George Wiggans Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD"— Presentation transcript:

1 2006 Paul VanRaden, John Cole, and George Wiggans Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD 2006 Net Merit Revision

2 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (2) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Stillbirth Evaluations  Percent stillbirths in first-calf heifers (%SBH), similar to calving ease (%DBH)  Sire SB: 12.0% +- 1.5%  Daughter SB: 12.0% +- 2.5%  Report median and mode or mean?  Range 8 – 17% sire, 6 – 27% daughter  Fewer stillbirths (avg 5%) in later parities  Number of records half of calving ease  Display 4 traits or only an index?

3 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (3) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Stillbirth Data AliveDeadDiedUsable Parity123Records 188.0%11.3%.7%1,505,826 2+95.0%3.9%1.1%4,202,200 Usable Records 5,384,029348,67729,3205,762,026 Stillbirth Score

4 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (4) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Stillbirth Genetic Trend DSB = Daughter (cow’s) contribution to stillbirth rate. SSB = Service sire’s contribution to stillbirth rate.

5 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (5) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Calving Ability Indexes Calve EaseStillbirthMod- el Total Merit SireDtrSireDtr DEU1926 29AM7% NLD33173317SM4% CHE12 38 AM0% NOR03433 SM3% proposed USA2515 45SM6%

6 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (6) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Economic Assumptions  Newborn calf value $450 for females $150 for males  Expenses per difficult birth (4 or 5) $75 labor and veterinary $100 reduced milk yield $75 reduced fertility and longevity 1.5% chance of cow death ($1800)

7 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (7) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Stillbirth Correlations from Interbull Genetic correlations with USA SireDaughter CHE0.470.56 DNK0.660.82 FIN0.640.88 NLD0.600.72 SWE0.610.88 Correlations estimated using inflated daughter counts. Participation in MACE will wait until November.

8 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (8) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Milk, Fat, and Protein Prices Federal Order Class III (Cheese) YearMilkFatProteinVolumeSCS 20009.741.251.69.0030.14 200113.101.851.96.0075.17 200210.421.191.97.0035.14 200311.421.212.38.0005.16 200415.392.052.60.0042.20 200514.051.712.46.0035.18

9 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (9) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Proposed and Current Prices Net Merit, Cheese Merit, and Fluid Merit YearMilkFatProtVolumeSCS 2006 NM12.701.501.951.75.18 2006 CM12.701.502.80-.95.18 2006 FM12.701.50.575.74.18 2003 NM12.701.302.301.25.18 2003 CM12.701.303.00-.85.18 2003 FM12.701.301.005.15.18

10 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (10) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Proposed Net Merit Relative economic weights Proposed Net Merit Relative economic weights Trait20062003Trait20062003 Protein2333SCS-9 Fat2322Udder67 Milk00Feet/Leg34 PL1711Size-4-3 DPR97Calving Ability 64

11 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (11) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Correlations with Longevity (New PL genetic correlations and difference from previous PL) CtryDPR 1 PLPL difCtryDPRPLPL dif IRL.66.78.07ITA.44.73.00 SWE.64.76-.05DNK.42.86.03 GBR.58.86.03NLD.38.83.03 CAN.54.92.03CHE.35.75.03 BEL.52.83.01AUS.34.69.02 NZL.51.69.03FIN.28.70.06 DEU.46.85.00FRA.27.70.03 ESP.46.77.05ISR.22.48.09 1 Correlation of US daughter pregnancy rate PTA with foreign longevity PTA (>10 herds in both countries)

12 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (12) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Culling Emphasis Relative emphasis % on first-parity trait Year Milk Yield Fat Yield Prot. YieldSCSDOCEFS 19881008299-19-18- 826 199210076101-25-23- 924 199610074100-26-30- 923 20001007895-33-74-1533

13 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (13) P.M. VanRaden 2006 February 2006 Change  Foreign bull PTA DPR Predict fertility from other traits Methods very similar to multi−trait PL Foreign correlations assumed = domestic MACE longevity, yield get highest weight  Results for top 100 NM$ foreign bulls PTA mean was −.3, now −.7 REL mean was 28%, now 40% REL would increase 7% for domestic bulls

14 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (14) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Changes for May  ERCR computed at AIPL  Milking speed for Brown Swiss  Rear legs / rear view (BS, GU)  Brown Swiss calving ease MACE POSTPONED or CANCELLED

15 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (15) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Changes expected for August  Stillbirth evaluation Include in calving ability index  New definition of productive life Credit for longer lactations Lower correlation with fertility Standard deviation 1.43 times larger  Update NM$ economic values

16 NAAB DSEC and IMC, April 2006 (16) P.M. VanRaden 2006 Changes expected Nov or Feb  Multi-breed / crossbred evaluation

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