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PSGTECHS COE INDUTECH Presentation on Standards required for INDUTECH on 30.11.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "PSGTECHS COE INDUTECH Presentation on Standards required for INDUTECH on 30.11.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSGTECHS COE INDUTECH Presentation on Standards required for INDUTECH on 30.11.2011

2 PSGTECHS COE INDUTECH COE for INDUTECH was established in March 2011 It caters to all the INDUTECH product development, research, prototyping and consultancy We are in the process of developing INDUTECH products in Phase I Standards have to be formulated for these products A committee is formulated for making standards for INDUTECH products

3 STANDARDS AVAILABLE BIS standards are available for the following INDUTECH products: Decatising cloth Conveyor belts Drive belts Ropes and cordages Filter cloth Filtration products

4 STANDARDS TO BE DEVELOPED Standards have to be developed for the following INDUTECH products: Bolting cloth AGM battery separators Cigarette filters Coated abrasives Computer printed ribbon Printed circuit boards Paper making fabrics Industrial brushes

5 PRODUCTS IDENTIFIED Currently, the following are some of the other identified products for which BIS standards are not available. Automotive Carpets Nonwoven scrubs Oil sorption pads Dry Wipes Insulation for extreme climates Acoustic layer

6 Products-Available International Standards ProductsInternational standards Remarks Oil sorbent padASTM F716 - 09 Acoustic measurement ISO 17.140.01 Nonwoven wipesASTM D6702-01Withdrawn FiltersASTM D2068 - 10 Filtration efficiencyISO 16889 Thermal insulationASTM C739 - 11Housing and other buildings Printed circuit board IPC 4412

7 STANDARDS FOR INDUTECH Standards to be Developed – COE contribution Standards to be identified and developed for new products in association with BIS and applicable industry. Developing BIS standards for all the identified INDUTECH products Standards are not available for nonwoven INDUTECH products made out of NATURAL FIBRES. Eg., Fibres for oil spill removal, Fibres for acoustic barriers, etc.,

8 STANDARDS FOR INDUTECH PHASE I The following products are being developed by PSGTECHS COE INDUTECH in Phase I: Natural fibre pad for oil spill removal Natural fibre nonwoven for acoustic barrier Natural fibre nonwoven scrubs

9 STANDARDS FOR INDUTECH Standards will be developed by the COE and sent to BIS for approval Similarly we will work with BIS in creating more standards for all INDUTECH products.


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