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Chapter-(5) Five Training Design
Effective Training: Strategies, Systems and Practices, 3rd Edition P. Nick Blanchard and James W. Thacker
Design Phase Input Process Output Develop Training Objectives Learning
Needs Organizational Constraints Learning Theory Develop Training Objectives Determine factors that facilitate learning & transfer Identify alternative method of instruction Chapter 6, 7 Evaluation objectives Chapter 9
Guide to determining time required to prepare training – Part 1 of 3
Variables Level Of Effort For Design Low Medium High Who 1. Designer knowledge and skills related to instructional design extensive knowledge and skills Moderate knowledge and skills minimal knowledge and skills 2. Designer knowledge of subject matter extensive knowledge some knowledge no knowledge 3. Size and complexity of the target training group small, homogeneous medium size, moderately complex large, complex 4. Designer’s and client’s track record for sticking to plans always stick sometimes stick never stick
Guide to determining time required to prepare training – Part 2 of 3
Variables Level Of Effort For Design Low Medium High What 5. the number of instruction modules few (5 modules) several (8 modules) many (12 modules) 6. Elements included in the training materials trainee manual only instructor and participant manuals instructor and participant manuals, overheads, job aids 7. client’s or organization’s expectations regarding packaging minimal (produced in-house) modest (desktop publishing) extensive (professionally produced) 8. what is considered final product first draft by designer, client does rest designer completes up to the pilot designer completes all drafts, finalizes after pilot
Guide to determining time required to prepare training – Part 3 of 3
Variables Level Of Effort For Design Low Medium High How 9. data collection a focus group made up of a few well-informed people a focus group and a few interviews several focus groups and several interviews 10. designer’s interaction with the client deals directly with top decision maker deals with more than one level of decision makers deals with a complex labor-management committee 11. client’s level of involvement approves general direction and final draft reviews and approves key materials reviews and approves all materials 12. Amount of interactivity minimal moderate extensive
Proposal for developing a one day workshop on Effective Communication
Action Time Rate Total Prepare Interview relevant employees to determine issues and context to develop training 1 day $1,000 Develop objectives and plan for developing training. Includes identifying appropriate instructional methods and developing evaluation objectives 2.5 days $1,000 $2,500 Develop training materials based on objectives 8 days $1,000 $8,000 Develop usual aids and evaluation material 2.5 days $1,000 $2,500 Miscellaneous $1,400 TOTAL $15,400
Types of Costs in Training Programs (1 of 2)
Development Costs (costs related to the development of the training program; TNA, piloting of the training, materials used to design the program, etc..) Direct Costs (costs directly attributed to the delivery of the training; trainer compensation, facilities, materials, etc) Indirect Costs (cost incurred even if training were cancelled: preparation, marketing, administrative, & clerical support)
Types of Costs in Training Programs (2 of 2)
Overhead Costs (costs associated with purchase and maintenance of training equipment and training facilities) Participant Compensation (costs associated with trainees salary and benefits) Evaluation Costs (costs associated with evaluating the training; assessment tools, etc…)
Training Costs for Grievance Reduction Training – Part 1 of 2
Developmental Costs 1. 20 days of director’s time at $50,000 per year 2. 5 days of trainer’s time at $30,000 per year 3. Materials $ 4,000 $ 600 $ 1,000 Direct Costs 1. 5 days of trainer’s time at $30,000 per year 2. Training facility rental 5 days at $150 per day 3. Materials and equipment 4. Coffee, juice, and muffins $ 600 $ 750 $ 2,000
Training Costs for Grievance Reduction Training – Part 2 of 2
Indirect Costs 1. 1 day trainer preparation 2. 3 days administrative preparation at 20,000 per year $ 120 Participant Compensation (may include travel) 1. 30 supervisors attending 5-day workshop (Average $35,000 / yr.) $21,000 Evaluation Costs 1. 6 days of evaluator’s time at $30,000 per year 2. Materials $ 720 $ 800 Total Training Costs $32,310
Learning Objective Objectives are statements which describe what the learner is expected to achieve as a result of training
Developing Objectives
A good objective has three components: Desired outcome – type of behavior Condition – where, when and/or what tools will be used Standards – the criteria that will be used to judge the adequacy of the behavior. (minimal acceptable level; speed, accuracy, or quality)
Developing Learning Objectives
Fundamental Rules: Must be measurable and observable Articulates the goal(s) of training Communicates the intent to trainee Provides a means for evaluation Assists in the selection of materials
I. Observable Outcome/Behavior
An action verb that you want the participants to be able to do as a result of the training Measurable
Examples Action Verbs Build Demonstrate Describe Develop Draw Dissect
Identify Implement Write
II. Condition Describes the environment under which the work to be performed How you get to your outcome
Learning Objective Objectives are statements which describe what the learner is expected to achieve as a result of training
Developing Objectives
A good objective has three components: Desired outcome – type of behavior Condition – where, when and/or what tools will be used Standards – the criteria that will be used to judge the adequacy of the behavior. (minimal acceptable level; speed, accuracy, or quality)
Developing Learning Objectives
Fundamental Rules: Must be measurable and observable Articulates the goal(s) of training Communicates the intent to trainee Provides a means for evaluation Assists in the selection of materials
I. Observable Outcome/Behavior
An action verb that you want the participants to be able to do as a result of the training Measurable
Examples Action Verbs Build Demonstrate Describe Develop Draw Dissect
Identify Implement Write
II. Condition Describes the environment under which the work to be performed How you get to your outcome
Condition Examples After completing this activity… Using a computer…
After completing this seminar… After completing this training session… Using the information in the workbook… In the classroom… On the firing range… Given a hypothetical situation…
III. Criteria/Standard
A standard which describes how many, how quickly, how well (MAY BE IMPLICIT). What will happen as a result of the training
Criterion Examples Achieving a score of 75% According to policy
Accurately With no errors Within one hour
Example 1: Learning Objective
Condition – “Using a drop wire, bushing and connectors, but without the use of a manual” Behavior – “the trainee will splice a drop wire” Standard – “according to the standard set in the manual”
Example 2: Learning Objective
Condition – “Using a standard climbing harness and spikes” Behavior – “the trainee will climb a standard telephone pole” Standard – “within 5 minutes, following all safety procedures”
Program Objectives Mager: “Description of a performance you want learners to be able to exhibit before you consider them competent” Specify what learners should be able to do, conditions under which they must do it, and criteria in judging success
Performance Objectives
Objective Indicator Understand how to Discriminate between read X-rays normal and abnormal X-rays Knowledge of loans Recall procedure for making a loan Ability to read Identify transistors diagrams on a schematic diagram
False Objectives Show an appreciation for loan procedures
Be able to think critically and analytically Have a deep awareness and thorough humanizing grasp of interpersonal relations
Conditions for Performance
Relevant and important conditions under which performance is expected to occur “Repair a motor with two minor defects using a standard set of tools and diagrams”
Criterion for Performance
How well trainees should be able to perform in order to be acceptable. Includes speed, accuracy and quality Examples: finish in 20 minutes, no more that 2 errors, within a tolerance of .1 inch
Types of Training Objectives – Part 1 of 2 (Kirkpatrick)
1. Trainee Reaction Objectives: Describes the desired trainee attitudinal and subjective evaluations of training 2. Learning Objectives: Describes the type of behavior that will demonstrate the learning, the conditions under which the behavior must occur, and the criteria that will signify that a sufficient level of learning has occurred
Trainee Characteristics
Trainability = f(Motivation, Ability, Perceptions of work environment) Perceptions of training Self-efficacy Factors that increase motivation Personality and attitudes Extraversion, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, stability
No Trait and Treatment Interaction
A Trait and Treatment Interaction
Social Learning Processes and Corresponding Training Events
Attention/Expectancy Learning environment, pre-training communications, statement of objectives and process, highlighting of key learning points Retention Activation of memory Stimulation of prior related learning Symbolic coding and Presentation of encoding schemes and images, cognitive organization associations with previously learned material, order of presentation during training Symbolic rehearsal and Case studies, hypothetical scenarios, aids for cues for retrieval transfer (identical elements and principles) Behavioral Reproduction Active and guided practice (role plays and simulations) Reinforcement Assessment and feedback (positive and/or negative)
Conditions of Practice
Active practice – can be mental practice Massed vs. spaced practice Rest intervals early in training Less meaningful, greater difficulty and amount the better spaced practice Less capable, less experienced learner does better with spaced practice Retention better with spaced practice Whole vs. part
Conditions of Practice
Overlearning Knowledge of results/feedback Important aspects Provisions of feedback Specify corrective actions Reward/punishment consequences
Retention Meaningfulness of material Degree of original learning
Retroactive interference – new learning interferes with old learning Proactive – old learning interferes with the retention of new learning
Seven Step Relapse-Prevention Training
1. Choose a skill to retain 2. Set goals 3. Commit to retain the skill 4. Learn coping (relapse prevention) strategies 5. Identify likely circumstances for first relapse 6. Practice coping (relapse prevention) strategies 7. Learn to monitor target skill
Coping Strategies for Relapse Prevention – Part 1 of 2
Step Understand the relapse process Recognize difference between training and work setting Create an effective support network on the job Identify high risk situations
Coping Strategies for Relapse Prevention – Part 2 of 2
Step Reduce emotional reactions that interfere with learning Diagnose specific support skills necessary to retain new skill Identify organizational support for skill retention
Transfer of Training Stimulus Response Transfer same same positive same different negative different different zero/none
Increasing Transfer Maximize similarity Practice
Provide a variety of situations and examples Understand general principles Support Opportunity to perform on the job Feedback and reinforcement Develop and follow learning objectives
A Plan to Apply Skills Back on the Job
1. What skill/technique: (be specific) 2. What will using skill/technique look like: (be specific) 3. What are the positive and negative consequences of using and not using the skill. Positive (+) Negative (-) Using Skill Not 4. What will a “slip” look like? 5. How will you feel if you slip back to old techniques? 6. Under what circumstances is a slip likely to occur? 7. What support is needed?
Gagne-Briggs Nine Events of Instruction – Part 1 of 2
Instructional Event Relation to Social Learning Theory Gain attention Attention Informing the trainee of Goal (objectives) Attention Stimulate recall of prior knowledge (learning) Retention: Activation of memory Present the material Retention: Activation of memory, Semantic coding, Cognitive organization
Gagne-Briggs Nine Events of Instruction – Part 2 of 2
Instructional Event Relation to Social Learning Theory Provide guidance for learning Retention: Semantic coding/ cognitive organization through guided discovery Retention: Symbolic Rehearsal Elicit performance (practice) Behavioral Reproduction Provide informative feedback Reinforcement Assess performance Enhance retention and transfer Reinforcement
Learning and Transfer Factors as related to Social Learning theory and Gagne Briggs theory of design – 1 of 5 Social learning Theory Gagne Briggs 9 events of instruction Factors to Consider Pre-training Attention/Expectancy Influence expectations & attitudes of trainees. Identify those with low expectations/ send to pre-training workshop Provide information to influence expectancies/ identify positive outcomes. Demonstrate the need for training and set goals Do needs analysis so only relevant trainees attend. Have supervisors discuss performance of trainee and set mutual goals. Have learning objectives distributed ahead of time.
Learning and Transfer Factors as related to Social Learning theory and Gagne Briggs theory of design – 2 of 5 Social learning Theory Gagne Briggs 9 events of instruction Factors to Consider Training Beginning Attention/ Expectancy Create/reinforce positive attitude toward training Gain Attention Allow time for instructor and trainee introductions and develop a relaxed atmosphere Inform trainee of goals Allow for time to go through needs analysis, show learning objectives, and discuss usefulness on the job; draw example from trainees Eliminate distractions Choose site where anxiety level will be low (see classical conditioning). Choose proper facilities.
Learning and Transfer Factors as related to Social Learning theory and Gagne Briggs theory of design – 3 of 5 Social learning Theory Gagne Briggs 9 events of instruction Factors to Consider During Retention Make relevant Continue to focus on training objectives Stimulate recall of prior knowledge Develop links between previous learning and the new learning (activation of memory). Present material Use multiple media and make interesting Ask questions and get involvement
Learning and Transfer Factors as related to Social Learning theory and Gagne Briggs theory of design – 4 of 5 Social learning Theory Gagne Briggs 9 events of instruction Factors to Consider Make interesting Provide guidance for learning Get trainees involved (symbolic rehearsal) Use relevant examples and offer many of them Behavioral Reproduction/ Reinforcement Encourage learning Elicit performance Provide feedback Provide relevant practice process (including maximum similarity and/or different situations). Let trainees know how they are doing.
Learning and Transfer Factors as related to Social Learning theory and Gagne Briggs theory of design – 4 of 5 Social learning Theory Gagne Briggs 9 events of instruction Factors to Consider Ending Reinforcement Be sure trainees see results of training Assess performance Provide time for examining objectives to see what was accomplished. Provide time to evaluate performance level accomplished and provide feedback Sensitize trainees to difficulty in transfer of training Enhance retention and transfer Incorporate relapse-prevention strategy. Provide commitment of trainer to meet with trainees to facilitate transfer. Develop trainees goals for transfer of training
Learning and Transfer Factors as related to Social Learning theory and Gagne Briggs theory of design – 5 of 5 Social learning Theory Gagne Briggs 9 events of instruction Factors to Consider Post-Training Reinforcement Facilitate transfer Obtain support from supervisor/ peers/ trainer to help trainee in transferring the training to the workplace. Ensure that reward systems are in line with newly trained behaviors.
Learning Curves Negatively accelerated – material easy, experienced learner, high ability Positively accelerated – material complex, learner inexperienced S shaped – positively accelerated in early stages negatively in later (common)
Plateaus in Learning Hierarchy of habits Motivation declines
Incorrect learning being eliminated Learning material that is complex whole composed of several simple parts
Perceptual Preferences
Print Visual Aural Interactive Tactile/manipulative Kinesthetic/psychomotor Olfactory
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