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JEOPARDY People Govern- ment Explorers Revolution- ary War Colonies $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200.

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2 JEOPARDY People Govern- ment Explorers Revolution- ary War Colonies $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500



5 What was the first battle(s) of the Revolutionary War? Lexington and Concord

6 Who rode to warn the colonists the British were coming? Who was Paul Revere

7 What act as passed as a result of the Boston Tea Party? What was the Intolerable Acts

8 What battle was the turning point of the Revolutionary War for the Amercians? What was the Battle of Saratoga

9 What was the last battle of the American Revolution? What was the Battle of Yorktown

10 What explorer sailed for Spain and landed in San Salvador? Who was Christopher Columbus

11 What explorer conquered the Aztec Empire? Who was Cortes.

12 What area did Ponce de Leon explore? Floida

13 Who failed to find the Northwest passage, but his voyage led to the beginning of trade between the Dutch and Native Americans? Who was Henry Hudson

14 Who did Queen Elizabeth grant a charter to establish a colony in Virginia? Who was Sir Walter Raleigh

15 What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention? What was fix the articles of confederation.

16 This event highlighted the need of a stronger Federal Government. What was Shay’s Rebellion.

17 This group of people believed their should be a strong central government. Federalists

18 What are the branches of government? What are executive, legislative, and judicial

19 What was the result of the Great Compromise? What was it divided congress into two houses. One house would be based on population of a state and the other would be equal representation.

20 Which area of the United States is known as the Breadbasket? What are the middle colonies.

21 What colony did Roger Williams establish? What was Rhode Island

22 On what bay is Jamestown located? Chesapeake Bay

23 Name the middle colonies. What are Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, and New Jersey

24 What colony did Lord Baltimore establish? What was Maryland

25 Who was the leader of the Puritains? Who was John Winthrop.

26 Who was the leader of New Amsterdam when it was easily taken by the English due to his unpopularity? Who was Peter Stuyvesant

27 Who received a charter to start a colony for debtors and poor people in North America? Who was James Ogelthrope

28 Who was granted land in the Middle Colonies in 1681 by King Charles II? Who was William Penn.

29 Who published Poor Richard’s Almanac? Who was Benjamin Franklin

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