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Alice and Media Computation Workshop August, 2007 Responding to Day 1 questions: Alice.

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Presentation on theme: "Alice and Media Computation Workshop August, 2007 Responding to Day 1 questions: Alice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alice and Media Computation Workshop August, 2007 Responding to Day 1 questions: Alice

2 Lesson plans for HS Alice course? See There are other courses available at

3 Coding After creating a story, how do you show the kids the code and explain it to them?

4 Middle school What are the most important concepts middle school children need to grasp? In my opinion: Problem-solving processes Computer programming is fun

5 Different types of students Are different approaches more effective for special-needs, regular, gifted and art students?

6 Method vs. function What is the difference between a method and a function?

7 Sims When will the Sims characters be available in Alice?

8 Models Can you import Google sketch-up models ( ) into Alice? Not presently

9 Pointing How do I get a figure to point its finger at another object?

10 Contests Can you enter Alice into animation contests? Regional (local school district) vs. national (Digital Animation Festival of 45th ACMSE 2007 )

11 For-profit status Is Alice for-profit? No

12 Storytelling Alice I would like to see a demo

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