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Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research at CSUSM Academic Affairs Town Hall September 18, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research at CSUSM Academic Affairs Town Hall September 18, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research at CSUSM Academic Affairs Town Hall September 18, 2008

2 Purpose of Town Hall Introduce Committee on Undergraduate Research (CUGR) and its origins Begin dialogue about undergraduate research at CSUSM ◦ Obtain feedback on draft plan Begin to document faculty/student collaborations in scholarly activity and research at CSUSM

3 Undergraduate Research that is: Faculty-driven, Student-centered, and Institutionally-supported Provides the combination of factors necessary for: Pedagogical effectiveness, Enhanced learning outcomes, Research productivity, and Research program sustainability A Confluence of Essential Components

4 CSUSM Emphasis on Student and Faculty Engagement in Research Campus Mission Statement: “Students work closely with a faculty of active scholars and artists whose commitment to sustained excellence in teaching, research, and community partnership enhances student learning.” Academic Excellence Strategic Priority: “We are committed to the success of students by encouraging their intellectual engagement and by supporting the teaching, research, and creative activities of a stellar faculty.” Academic Affairs Goal: “Support faculty research and creative activity to create a community of scholars that collaborates with a community of learners.”

5 CUR Institute: “Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research” February 2008 - CSUSM participated in CUR Institute for Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research ◦ Sponsored by National Science Foundation ◦ For institutions without a tradition or culture of campus-wide engagement in undergraduate research ◦ Competitive application ◦ One of two CSU campuses selected

6 Goals of CUR Institute Assist institutions to: ◦ Articulate goals for institutionalizing undergraduate research ◦ Develop strategies to achieve these goals on their campuses Develop communities of scholars among participating campuses to build a culture that supports undergraduate research

7 CSUSM Team for CUR Institute A diverse disciplinary group Active researchers and mentors of undergraduate students in research Success at securing external research and training grants ◦ Chuck De Leone (Physics Department Chair) ◦ George Vourlitis (Biological Sciences faculty) ◦ Keith Trujillo (Psychology faculty; Associate Director of the Office of Biomedical Research) ◦ Gerardo Gonzalez (Dean/AVP for Graduate Studies & Research)

8 Program for the CUR Institute Plenary lectures presented by facilitators Individual team meetings with CUR mentors ◦ Jeff Marshall, Cal Poly Pomona ◦ CSUSM team reflected on current status of undergraduate research at CSUSM ◦ Drafted a mission statement, goals, and action plan for undergraduate research at CSUSM

9 CUR Institute Follow-up Activities April 2008 - Convened CSUSM Committee on Undergraduate Research (CUGR) June 2008 - National CUR conference ◦ Poster presentation on CSUSM Draft Plan November 2008 - CSU Conference on Institutionalizing Undergraduate research April 2009 - CUR Dialogues Meeting Spring 2009 - Site visit from CUR liaison ◦ To discuss progress on CSUSM initiative

10 Current Composition of CUGR CUGR serves as steering committee to promote broader faculty participation in student-faculty research ◦ Peter Arnade (History) ◦ Bonnie Bade & Konane Martinez (Anthropology) ◦ Denise Boren (Nursing) ◦ Eliza Bigham (Human Development) ◦ Chuck De Leone (Physics) ◦ Ann Fiegen (Library) ◦ James Hamerly (Business) ◦ Kathy Norman (Education) ◦ Arcela Nu ñ ez-Alvarez (National Latino Research Center) ◦ Martha Stoddard-Holmes (Literature & Writing) ◦ Keith Trujillo (Psychology) ◦ George Vourlitis (Biological Sciences) ◦ Gerardo Gonz á lez (Graduate Studies & Research)


12 Draft Plan: Short-term Goals Conduct an inventory of undergraduate research ◦ Assess the strengths and gaps for developing a campus undergraduate research program and a research-supportive curriculum Identify core faculty committed to mentoring undergraduate students in research and/or integrating undergraduate research in the curriculum Inform and foster dialogue among faculty and students about the benefits of undergraduate research Establish an institutional priority for undergraduate research

13 Draft Plan: Intermediate Goals Develop a system to link faculty and undergraduate students in research activities Strengthen campus administrative and organizational infrastructure for faculty-mentored undergraduate student research ◦ e.g., establish a centralized program to coordinate activities, including campus-wide student symposia and seminars

14 Draft Plan: Intermediate Goals Identify external resources to support undergraduate research ◦ Help faculty submit external grant proposals; obtain resources; secure equipment/facilities Implement a research-supportive undergraduate curriculum Recognize faculty and student research through celebration of achievements Initiate assessment of undergraduate research outcomes via faculty consultation

15 Draft Plan: Long-term Goals Marshal internal resources and administrative support to sustain undergraduate research ◦ e.g., faculty professional development and research facilities Provide stipends, travel grants, and fellowships for undergraduate students to conduct supervised research Create summer research programs for undergraduate students to collaborate on faculty- mentored research projects

16 Draft Plan: Long-term Goals Clarify faculty retention, tenure, and promotion guidelines to advance undergraduate research Conduct ongoing assessment of undergraduate research outcomes

17 Undergraduate Research that is: Faculty-driven, Student-centered, and Institutionally-supported Provides the combination of factors necessary for: Pedagogical effectiveness, Enhanced learning outcomes, Research productivity, and Research program sustainability A Confluence of Essential Components

18 Questions? Feedback on draft plan? Examples of faculty/student collaboration in scholarly activity and research?

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