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ESWC 2006, Budva 11-14 June, 2006 see

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1 ESWC 2006, Budva 11-14 June, 2006 see

2 Conference Profile Chairs: Y. Sure (AIFB Karlsruhe, DE), J. Domingue (KMI, Open Univ., UK) About 300 registered participants (2 from CZ) 181 papers submitted, 48 (26%) accepted Poster and demo session 3 invited talks: Frank van Harmelen, Ed Hovy, Anthony Jameson 8 workshops, 7 tutorials Industrial Forum

3 Invited talk: Frank van Harmelen Title: Where does it break? or: Why the Semantic Web is not just "research as usual" Examples of traditional assumption of Computer Science that no longer hold –Traditional complexity measures –Tasks that are hard in theory may be easy in practice –Knowledge has to be considered in context –Logics and statistics no longer separate

4 Invited talk: Ed Hovy Title: Toward large-scale shallow semantics for higher-quality NLP There is a lot of research on semantics in NLP, though more shallow than in KR Statistical NLP can go far, but some KR semantics might help improve results –Gorbachev not spouse of Reagan ML researchers working on tagged NLP corpora should understand the nature of NLP used

5 Invited talk: Anthony Jameson Title: Usability and the Semantic Web Users want to have a (vague) idea of what is going on –Mental model vs. design model –Predict what the system will do –Help understand unexpected behaviour Instant gratification –Mangrove: display the uses of user’s annotation in different services

6 Sections of papers ‘Traditional’ –Ontology Engineering, Learning, Evaluation, Alignment –Semantic Annotation –Searching and Querying –Reasoning, Rules –Semantic Web Services –Semantic Web Mining and Personalisation New –Semantic Wiki and Blogging –Trust and Policies

7 Some sessions/presentations I Ontology Engineering –Conversion from web directories (Zakharyeu) and thesauri (van Assem) –Methodology for distributed ontology creation (Pinto) Ontology Evaluation –Various quality metrics (Gangemi)

8 Some sessions/presentations II Ontology Alignment –Guessing semantics of directory paths (Serafini, Bouquet..) –Extrinsic dissimilarity based on vector model (Hess) –Heterogeneous mappings, e.g. concept-property (Ghidini) –Combination of different types of classifiers (Straccia, Troncy)

9 ESWC 2007 Organised by DERI Innsbruck 3-6 June 2007 General Chair: Enrico Franconi (Univ. Bolzano, IT)

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