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+ Operations and Algebraic Thinking Success Implementing CCSS for K-2 Math Day 2.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Operations and Algebraic Thinking Success Implementing CCSS for K-2 Math Day 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Operations and Algebraic Thinking Success Implementing CCSS for K-2 Math Day 2

2 + Welcome Back Activity Success, challenge, barrier, breakthrough Reflect on your experience using one of the assigned tasks in your classroom. Use separate post-it notes to capture your successes, challenges, barriers, and/or breakthroughs Post on appropriate poster Read post-it notes on all posters and select one that resonates with you. Quick share of selected post-its.

3 + Reflection What is your current reality around classroom culture? What can you do to enhance your current reality?

4 + Today’s Objectives Understand how to analyze student work with the Standards for Mathematical Practice and content standards. Develop a deeper understanding of how students progress in their understanding of the Common Core clusters related to Operations and Algebraic thinking in grades PreK-2. Learn engaging instructional strategies through hands on activities that connect content to the mathematical practices.

5 Collaboration Protocol-Looking at Student Work 1. Individual review of student work samples (10 min) All participants observe or read student work samples in silence, making brief notes on the form “Looking at Student Work” 2. Sharing observations (15 min) The facilitator asks the group What do students appear to understand based on evidence? Which mathematical practices are evident in their work? Each person takes a turn sharing their observations about student work without making interpretations, evaluations of the quality of the work, or statements of personal reference. 3. Discuss inferences -student understanding (15 min) Participants, drawing on their observation of the student work, make suggestions about the problems or issues of student’s content misunderstandings or use of the mathematical practices. Adapted from: Steps in the Collaborative Assessment Conference developed by Steve Seidel and Project Zero Colleagues 4. Discussing implications-teaching & learning (10 min) The facilitator invites all participants to share any thoughts they have about their own teaching, students learning, or ways to support the students in the future. How might this task be adapted to further elicit student’s use of Standards for Mathematical Practice or mathematical content. 5. Debrief collaborative process (5 min) The group reflects together on their experiences using this protocol. Select one group member to be today’s facilitator to help move the group through the steps of the protocol. Teachers bring student work samples with student names removed.

6 +

7 What instructional strategies did you use with this lesson? What Standards for Mathematical Practices did you notice your students engaging in during this task? Using the SMP Matrix how would you describe your classroom – with examples to support Homework Debrief….

8 + Applying your learning From previous homework: you found/created or adapted to make a rich task. Have you turned in your item for the Intel CCSS-M Item bank – digital is preferred, hard copy is better than not at all!!!!!

9 + Quiz What is your definition of Operations and Algebraic Thinking?

10 + BREAK TIME!!! 15 minutes….Go

11 + Rigor Read through your grade level progression document for your grade level. Discuss with your group and record on your poster. What fluencies are required for this domain? What conceptual understandings do students need? How can this be applied? Mathematical Progression: Operations and Algebraic Thinking

12 + Major and Supporting Clusters: A Quick Review One of the shifts from our current Math Standards to the Common Cores State Standards is the idea of focus. Students spend more time learning deeply with fewer topics. Grade level concepts have been divided into major, supporting and additional clusters.

13 +

14 + Bringing It All Together

15 + Bring it all together… AGAIN! Divide into triads Watch and reflect based on: “What Makes a Rich Task?” DOK Standards (which clusters and SMP were addressed?) As a group, using all three pieces of information, decide Is this a meaningful mathematical lesson? Wheels Video

16 + Lunch

17 Eyes, Fingers, and Legs Where does this activity fall in the progression and what clusters does this address? What mathematical practices are used? What is the DOK? How might students solve these problems? What student misconceptions might arise? How can this activity be adapted?

18 + Reviewing the SMP Reflect on the work we have done and your students have done and write the SMP assigned to your table in student friendly language. Record your thoughts on a poster.

19 + WA Kids

20 + Smarter-Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) In your groups, work through the assessment task Consider – what standards are necessary for students to master in my grade level so they can be successful with this task?

21 + Consider WA Kids and SBAC… What are some implications of WA Kids and SBAC in mathematics? Look at your major and supporting clusters and the progression documents– what are the milestones students need to attain in order to prepare for the 3 rd grade assessment? Where should we focus instruction if students aren’t coming to us prepared? What can we do to ensure our students are prepared?

22 + BREAK TIME!!! 15 minutes….Go

23 + Classroom Connections…. Students using Quick Images:As you watch this video Reflect on the following: Where does this fit on our progression? How can this be adapted to meet the needs ofyour students? What mathematical practices did you observe? What can be assessed from this activity?

24 + Addition and Subtraction Situations There were 7 children at the park. Then 4 more showed up.How many children were at the park all together? There were 7 children at the park. Some more showed up.Then there were 11 children in all. How many more childrencame? There were some children at the park. Four more childrenshowed up. Then there were 11 children at the park. Howmany children were at the park to start with? Now consider different ways you can use these scenarios and what makes one more difficult than another. One might askstudents…..

25 + Which equation matches? + 4 = 10 6 + 4 = 6 + =10

26 + Teacher Questioning Strategies How can the questions you ask move students ’ thinking forward? How should it differ forstruggling or high achieving students? Using the DOK, identify the level of some of thequestions on the matrix provided. What can students do to engage in themathematics more deeply? When you look at the website resources, whatmight work in your classroom?

27 + Connecting Literature with Math Concepts…. Other classroom connection ideas for OA? The “hand game”, Go Fish, Memory, Race to 10….

28 + Reflection What is your current reality around classroom culture? What can you do to enhance your current reality?

29 + Evaluation and Next Steps….

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