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 Earliest origins of theatre come from Egypt  Ikhernofret of Abydos arranged and played the leading role in a 3 day pageant of actual battles, processions.

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Presentation on theme: " Earliest origins of theatre come from Egypt  Ikhernofret of Abydos arranged and played the leading role in a 3 day pageant of actual battles, processions."— Presentation transcript:


2  Earliest origins of theatre come from Egypt  Ikhernofret of Abydos arranged and played the leading role in a 3 day pageant of actual battles, processions and ceremonies for the god Osiris  Western Drama developed in Greece in 600 BC  It was the worship of the Greek god Dionysus  Group of chanters sacrificing a goat, goat-singers  Ceremonies involved into dramatic contests  Beginning of Festival of Dionysus

3  Height of sailing season  Lasted 5-6 days  On the last 3 days  A different playwright would present 4 plays  First 3 plays were tragedies  Fourth play was a satyr  Playwrights competed for the glory of their name

4  Athenian playwrights used myths and heroic legends drawn from Homer and other sources, but shaped them to reflect contemporary issues  Theatre was a civic responsibility  Writer and actor helped the people confront current political or religious problems  Greek drama was at its height between 500 and 400 B.C.

5  Tragedy  A form of drama in which the main character suffers disaster  Comedy  A light amusing play that typically has a happy ending  Satyr  Irreverent, bawdy burlesque  zxUc zxUc

6  Trilogy  3 plays related by theme, myth, or characters  Pathos  Human sorrow and compassion  Catharsis  The emotional release an audience feels after the downfall of a tragic character

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9  Skene:  a small hut at the rear of the acting area  Machina  Cranelike hoist that permitted actors to appear above the stage as if flying  Could carry a chariot and horses, several persons 



12  Thespis  Aeschylus  Sophocles  Euripides  Aristophanes

13  For your assigned Greek influence:  Who are they? (20pts)  5 facts on their life  5 ways they influenced or changed Greek theatre  What did they do? (20pts)  A list of their complete works  Their influence on theatre  Where did they work?(20pts)  A visual image of the stage or space they worked in with appropriate labels  How is their work still used today? (20pts)  What do we still use (plays, stages, structure of plays, etc.)  What else? (20pts)  You should have a minimum of 5 visuals  You need to have a works cited page for ALL references

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