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Real-time multimedia and communication in packet networks iLanga.

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Presentation on theme: "Real-time multimedia and communication in packet networks iLanga."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-time multimedia and communication in packet networks iLanga

2 The Big Idea  The flexibility of Asterisk  what we have learnt 2)Working in the software domain  bridge between software and hardware closing  open environment; more flexible to change 3)Allows us to create something very functional yet simple - iLanga


4 SIP Express Router Focuses only on SIP messaging Performs forking properly Is able to handle high volumes of SIP traffic Has forked into two separate open source projects: OpenSER Kamailio

5 Registration with SER REGISTER 200 OK REGISTER (with MD5Hash(user+nonce+pwd))‏ 401 UNAUTHORISED (nonce,realm)‏

6 User Devices

7 Example Call Set-up 3001 3000 30210786346926 Hangup OK Asterisk

8 The core of iLanga Speaks  RTP  IAX2  Zap (1 QUADBRI)‏ 4 channels to markreader premium line 2 to Telkom and 2 to Rhodes PBX

9 Asterisk Uses AGI  Prepaid application  Mark reader application Extensive use of the Dialplan  Routing to Telkom and Rhodes  Routing to applications Conferencing Directory Voicemail etc;

10 MySQL Database We have been configuring asterisk via files in /etc/asterisk You can also provide configuration via a Database using /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf  IAX registrations  SIP registrations (SER talks to the database)‏  Voicemail Extensions still configured in extensions.conf!  We added “usercontext.conf”

11 Web Frontend Provides a second way of accessing iLanga  Accessing your PBX from anything other than a telephone is a new concept – Made easy by soft switches.  Update your details  Edit ring-able devices  Listen to and control voice mail  Add prepaid credit  View call log  View the directory – click to dial Everything you can do on the site – you should be able to do on a phone

12 Web Frontend Hosted by an Apache web server Written in Flash  Also allows us to make the web site dynamic! Talks to  Perl (CGI)‏  PHP  Java Proxy (used to be Python)

13 iLanga Proxy Many entities talking to the manager interface caused problems A Proxy was built  First in Python, now in Java  Passes messages from the web interface to Asterisk  Passes messages from Asterisk to the MySQL DB Some actions  Icon information  Extension state information  Dynamic content on the front end


15 Short tutorial on Services Develop (in your head / on paper) a brief action plan for how you would develop one of the following services: SPIT (Spam over Internet Telephony) generator Application to curb SPIT in telephony applications Asterisk-based markreader that integrates with ROSS to deliver marks to calling students over a phone Audio database for storing and replaying all the telephone conversations that you make Meeting scheduler for setting up meetings with other iLanga users A ‘Hangman’ game that is played over the phone between two players Present your ideas to the rest of the class

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