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THE RIGHT FOOD Teacher: Makarova M.V.. RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is green and long. It is a …. cucumber.

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Presentation on theme: "THE RIGHT FOOD Teacher: Makarova M.V.. RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is green and long. It is a …. cucumber."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE RIGHT FOOD Teacher: Makarova M.V.

2 RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is green and long. It is a …. cucumber

3 RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is white outside (снаружи) and yellow inside (внутри).It is an …. egg

4 RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is red and round. We make salad with it. It is a …. tomato

5 RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is white. Little children usually drink it. It is …. milk

6 RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) We usually have it for dinner. It is …. soup

7 RIDDLES (ЗАГАДКИ) It is sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all children like it very much. It is an …. ice-cream

8 IRREGULAR VERBS (неправильные глаголы) Русский вариантI ФОРМАII ФОРМА have Есть, кушать put saw bought Давать take иметь had eat ate Класть, ставить put Видетьsee Покупать buy give gave Брать, взятьtook

9 “ROBIN” Cookies – печенья A stomach-ache ['stʌməkeɪk] – боль в животе

10 DIALOGUE -You look terrible! What’s the matter? -I have a stomach-ache… - What did you eat yesterday? - I ate 10 cakes and 20 cookies yesterday… - Eat the right food! Eat fruit and vegetables! An apple a day keeps the doctor away! You may use (можешь использовать) these words: toothache ['tu:θeɪk](зубная боль), pizzas, tomatoes, apples, sweets, chips, porridge, ice-creams, fish.

11 Hometask Page 133 exercise 8 – read and translate Page 134 exercise 9 – orally (устно) Write 7-10 sentences: What do you usually eat (for breakfast, dinner, supper)? Is it the right food or not? What are your favourite food and drink?

12 Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day!

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