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Chapter 15: The Renaissance and Reformation Section 4: The Catholic Reformation (368- 371)

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15: The Renaissance and Reformation Section 4: The Catholic Reformation (368- 371)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15: The Renaissance and Reformation Section 4: The Catholic Reformation (368- 371)

2 An attempt to return the Catholic Church to emphasize spiritual matters Also known as the Catholic Reformation Stop Protestantism

3 Inquisition

4 Pope Paul III brought Inquisition to Rome Punish accused heretics –Burning at stake Keep Catholics in the Church

5 Pope Paul IV – Index of Forbidden Books. –Catholics banned from reading certain books –Stated printing press was problem

6 To clearly define official church position on matters of Catholic Church doctrines –End abuses that surrounded the sale of indulgences –Tighten discipline within the clergy

7 Society of Jesus Founded by Ignatius de Loyola Organized like a military body with discipline and strict obedience

8 1.Wars 2. Many different Churches 3. Strong interest in education 4. Increase in power of national government and decrease in the power of the pope

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