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Public awareness initiatives by the UOKiK Warsaw, 5.11.2012.

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1 Public awareness initiatives by the UOKiK Warsaw, 5.11.2012

2 Information & educational activities undertaken by the UOKiK Following the rule — prevention better than cure — UOKiK undertakes numerous initiatives in order to enhance the legal and economic awareness of all market participants. — Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel, the President of UOKiK Activities addressed at: consumers businesses local authorities media These projects are conducted with the help of several communication tools.

3 Information & educational activities undertaken by the UOKiK The educational and information activity of the Office is set out in: -the Consumer Policy Strategy (currently for 2010-2013) comprises the framework and lists the priorities; - the Act on competition and consumer protection. It is also reflected in the organisation structure of the Office – the actions are undertaken by the Communication Unit and Press Office within the International Relations and Communication Department.

4 Surveys as the basis of educational and information activities Aim: to recognise the level of legal and economic awareness, attitudes and market behaviours of Polish consumers and businesses; to form the basis for preparing education and information campaigns. Selected serveys run by the Office: Consumer on the financial services market; Awareness of consumer rights and analysis of barriers preventing consumers from safe and satisfactory participation in the market; Survey of the third age consumers; Consumers on the telecommunication market.

5 Activities/selected campaigns Social campaigns; Legal advice offered by the NGO’s and financed by the UOKiK Consumer helpline Publications (leaflets, brochures, guidelines) Advertising: TV ads, outdoor campaigns, press supplements Series of TV programmes, radio broadcasts Expert advice features in magazines Press releases, events, conferences, seminars, workshops Ongoing cooperation with the media Website:

6 Internet education

7 ”Consumer” TV Programme 3 editions (2004, 2005, 2006) Financed and monitored by the UOKiK Broadcast on public TV, prime time Issues discussed: Basic consumer rights How to enforce consumer rights Institutions delivering legal advice Bank services, payment cards Telecommunication services Travel and airline services

8 ”Don’t let them rip you off” Outdoor compaigns in 2005 and 2007 3 nationwide campaigns Aim: to promote consumer ombudsmen 364 local consumer ombudsmen provide free of charge consumer advice and legal assistance Results: significant increase in the numbers of consumers approaching the ombudsmen for help

9 ”Why fight like cats and dogs” Billboard campaign Nationwide campaign Aim: to inform consumers on consumer arbitration courts Why: 76 % Polish consumers never heard of them only 38 % of businesses are eager to undergo arbitration fast, cheap and effective way of solving disputes

10 ”You can…” TV ad Aim: to promote consumer ombudsmen Broadcast on national TV, December 2007, May 2008 Free of charge broadcasting on commercial channels

11 „Be the conscious consumer” Educational campaigns for senior consumers in 2008 and 2011 Aim: to provide seniors with knowledge on how to avoid fraudulent commercial practices Why: group especially vulnerable to unfair practices hampered access to information/knowledge Tools: lectures run by consumer ombudsmen, psychologists and policemen, held at Third Age Universities leaflets, calendar, brochures, gadgets participants: 3 000 people

12 Funding Consumer Organisations The Consumer Policy Strategy envisages continued cooperation with consumer organisations NGO’s. One of most efficient tools of enhancing consmer awareness is funding the activities undertaken by the NGO’s. They receive financial support from UOKiK’s budget to implement consumer projects commissioned by the Office, e.g.: - providing consumers with free legal advice; - operating a consumer helpline; - providing consumers with legal assistance via e-mail (e-advice centre); - conducting information and educational campaigns; - issuing a leaflet for consumer ombudsmen.

13 Thank you Anna Janowska Deputy Director Relations and Communication Department +48 22 55 60 273

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