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Capacity and Service to Road Users Task O1 Paul van der Kroon, Bern, July 6 th and 7 th, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity and Service to Road Users Task O1 Paul van der Kroon, Bern, July 6 th and 7 th, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity and Service to Road Users Task O1 Paul van der Kroon, Bern, July 6 th and 7 th, 2006

2 2 Until now Top down approach –Framework -> draft definition Network Operations Network Operations is the combination of network strategy, organisation, processes, programmes, capabilities, systems and services required to fulfil the transport policy goals. what is the concrete link/interaction of Network Operations with services (in generic terms) Network Operations VMSEFC….

3 3 Next: make it more tangible Bottom-up approach –Input from services monitoring, Incident management, event management, maintaining road serviceability/safety, traffic control, travel aid and road user information, demand management, ….. asset management, planning, performance management,

4 4 road user information Focus to the road and not complete Network Operations Road User Information Weather info Traffic Info Route info Travel timesCongestion info Road works Incident info Route advice/guidance Travel times

5 5 Relation to Network Operations Which aspects of the traffic information service directly influence Network Operations? Which aspects of Network Operations directly influence the traffic information service?

6 6 Travel times network strategy What is required to operate the service –Data collection Which roads and to what level data will be collected Data processing Quality to be provided thru out the network. (Real-time status and/or forecast?). Consistency with other services/measures like TM. Info over Road works, events, links, routes, networks and other modes … –Data distribution Over which roads, area, corridors and to what extend (level of detail, frequency..) will the information be disseminated (and through which media…?)

7 7 Travel times organisation What is required to operate the service –Data collection Participation and agreements public/private/personal data providers, area and network coverage, handling incidents,ownership, financing, communication, … –Data processing Format agreement, consistency of the process,digital maps, … –Data distribution Participation and agreements service providers, communication, SLA’s, financing, ownership, info distribution rules, …

8 8 Travel times processes What is required to operate the service –Data collection 24/7, quality control, … –Data processing 24/7, proactive, quality control, consistent with network management, algorithms, consistent with other services and measures, … –Data distribution 24/7, quality control, Customer view, …

9 9 Travel times systems/technologies What is required to operate the service –Data collection How the date will be gathered FCD, Internet/GPS/GSM, … weather info, other road related info –Data processing Consistency check of data, historic data, (forecast,) information from other services/measures,algoritme, calculate link travel time, calculate route travel times, … –Data distribution VMS, RDS-TMC,DAB,TV, Internet, mobile telephone, navigation systems? …

10 10 Relation to Network Operations Which aspects of the traffic information service directly influence Network Operations? Which aspects of Network Operations directly influence the traffic information service?

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