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ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY “We must be the great arsenal of democracy” -FDR Objective… Describe how President Roosevelt’s initiatives mobilized the U.S. for.

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Presentation on theme: "ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY “We must be the great arsenal of democracy” -FDR Objective… Describe how President Roosevelt’s initiatives mobilized the U.S. for."— Presentation transcript:


2 ARSENAL OF DEMOCRACY “We must be the great arsenal of democracy” -FDR Objective… Describe how President Roosevelt’s initiatives mobilized the U.S. for war.

3 17) The War Powers Act… FDR… –Reorganizes federal gov. –Creates new agencies –Censors information –Abridges civil liberties –Seizes foreign property –Awards government contracts

4 The Arsenal of Democracy 1942: U.S. production = Italy, Germany & Japan 1944: 2 X greater

5 Financing the War: U.S. cost: $341 billion More than all U.S. budgets from 1789-1941 15 X cost of WW I Federal spending: In1939: 10 billion… In 1945: 95 billion How do we raise the money?...

6 Bugs Bunny War Bond Cartoon

7 War Bonds


9 Price Control Act of 1942 or “cost plus system”...the cost of producing the product plus modest profit Mobilizing: U.S Dept. of Defense


11 The Pentagon (1942) HQ: U.S. Dept. of Defense World’s largest office building 17.5 miles of corridors 26, 000 employees Most efficient office building… 7 min between two points

12 18) Explain how the federal wartime agencies focused the war effort… Mobilizing: - Supply Priorities Allocation Board - Office of Price Administration (OPA)… - National War Labor Board - Office of War Information - Office of Strategic Services

13 Mobilizing: Supply Priorities & Allocation Board… –Allocates & controls the resources needed for war –Limits consumer products

14 Mobilizing: Office of Price Administration (OPA)… - Prevent inflation & ration consumer goods. - Rationing: Tires, autos, sugar, gas, fuel oil, coffee, meats & other foods OPA Rationing Book


16 Rationing…

17 Ride Sharing

18 The Gasoline Black Market 1942 – Auto 4 gals. War workers extra “Vital occupation” extra 1945 – 30% counterfeit stickers 32,500 arrested 4, 000 gas stations closed


20 Mobilizing: National War Labor Board… –Worked for cooperation between labor & management –Limited wages & strikes –Supported: 8 hr day, unionism, gender equity pay for & employee grievance procedures

21 Mobilizing: Domestic Propaganda Office of War Information… Words, posters & films waged a constant battle for the hearts and minds of Americans

22 Get a war job; Work hard; Recycle; Sacrifice; Buy Bonds; Remain Silent The Propaganda Messages. Daffy Duck propaganda film

23 Remain Silent


25 Sacrifice

26 Increase Production

27 Recycle / Conserve

28 Tolerance

29 Recruiting women workers…

30 Sabotage Warnings

31 Espionage Warnings


33 Mobilizing: Office of Strategic Services (OSS)… -Collects & analyzes information about countries at war with the U.S. - Organized sabotage & espionage in other countries

34 19) The size of the federal government during the war… - The size of government compared with the New Deal Era...

35 20) The effect of the war on the national budget & defense spending…. 21) What was the fate of the New Deal?... Why?

36 Objectives… Describe how FDR’s call to make America the “arsenal of democracy” affected the economy. Describe how FDR’s call to make America the “arsenal of democracy” affected the economy, female workers, minority workers and organized labor.

37 23) What advantages gave the United States the potential to out produce the enemy?...

38 24) The War Production Board… How effective was it?... The War Production Board… “Responsibility for the economy” Created 17M jobs Factories operate 24 / 7 50% of GNP = war goods GNP: 1939: $88.6B 1944: $198.7B 23) What advantages gave the US the potential to out produce the enemy?...

39 Arsenal of Democracy Military Production Totals for 1940-1945 250,000 planes 80,000 landing craft 650,000 artillery pieces 15M rifles 100,000 armored cars 75,000 tanks 3m. tons bombs 41M rounds ammo

40 Ship building: 1941: 355 days………..1945: 14 days

41 Willow Run Bomber Plant 1 mile assembly line - 42,000 employees

42 Hiding the Lockheed Plant…

43 A. Supply Priorities & Allocation Board D. OSS B. Office of War Information E. The War Production Board C. Price Control Act of 1942 F. National War Labor Board 1. Organized sabotage & espionage in other countries 2. Allocates & controls the resources needed for war 3. Responsibility for the war economy 4. Collects & analyzes information about countries at war with the U.S. 5. Worked for cooperation between labor & management - Limited wages & strikes 6. Waged a constant battle for the hearts and minds of Americans

44 25) Describe how economic conversion affected the US economy… The Great Depression is over 1942- 45 the GNP doubles Unemployment becomes under employment: 1941: 9.9% 1945: 1.2%... 17millon new jobs Man power shortages in industry

45 26) Describe how defense production affected the various geographic regions of the country… CA 40B in defense funds - 10% of total S to N or W…. Detroit & CA Southern textiles boom Sharecroppers to factories Rural pop. Down 20% U.S. Middle class doubles

46 29) Groups experiencing new employment opportunities…

47 Objectives… Describe how FDR’s call to make America the “arsenal of democracy” affected female workers.

48 30) Employment opportunities for females… - Changing & challenging stereotypes… 31) The dual message being communicated to women by the government…

49 Female Workers Female labor + 50% White women 35+ & married become the majority employed AA women: From domestic work to manufacturing jobs National War Labor Board promotes: = work = pay… Reality is that women are paid less

50 32) Rosie the Riveter

51 Objective… Describe how FDR’s call to make America the “arsenal of democracy” affected minority workers. Minority Workers…. Mexicans: Western – Agriculture &ship building African Americans: + 33% Mostly industrial work Native Americans

52 Objective… Describe how FDR’s call to make America the “arsenal of democracy” affected organized labor.

53 33) What economic factors compromised the prosperity of workers?... 34) How did entry into WW II affect the policy of the larger labor unions?

54 37) How did the size, gender & racial make- up of labor unions change during the war years? 35) How did unionism benefit from the policies of the NWLB?... 36) What was a “hate strike”... How effective?...

55 Recruiting women workers…

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